LambertoC.MarambaOnkarS.NarulaRogerP.JavierPhilipSDOSChestMaramba LC, Narula OS, Javier RP, et al: Atrial flutter with 2:1 A-V conduction and Mobitz type Il-like block in the left bundle branch. Chest 59:326, 1971
Atrial flutter with 1:1 conduction 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: Tan,J L 摘要: Objective: To investigate the detailed anatomy of the terminal crest (crista terminalis) and its junctional regions with the pectinate muscles and intercaval area to provide the yardstick for ...
An aged case of atrial flutter with complete A-V block was presented. This combination of arrhythmias was emphasized to be rare, and histological study of the conduction system revealed a fresh degenerative change superimposed on the severe degenerative and fibrotic changes at the penetrating portion...
Overweight and obesity as risk factors for atrial fibrillation or flutter: the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health Study. Am J Med. 2005;118(5):489-495. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2005.01.031PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 19. Manson JE, Cook NR, Lee IM, et al; VITAL Research ...
Flecainide OralIV 200–300 mg1.5–2 mg/kg over 10 min N/A Hypotension, atrial flutter with 1:1 conduction, QT prolongation. Avoid in patients with IHD and/or significant structural heart disease. Amiodarone IVa 5–7 mg/kg over 1–2 h 50 mg/h to a maximum of 1.0 g over 24 h Phleb...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook tachycardia (redirected fromatrial tachycardia) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia tach·y·car·di·a (tăk′ĭ-kär′dē-ə) n. A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an...
& Saku, K. Antiarrhythmic effects of JTV-519, a novel cardioprotective drug, on atrial fibrillation/flutter in a canine sterile pericarditis model. J. Cardiovasc. Electrophysiol. 14, 880–884 (2003). Article PubMed Google Scholar Bellinger, A. M. et al. Remodeling of ryanodine receptor ...
atrial flutter心房扑动 权威例句 Apixaban in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Apixaban in patients with atrial fibrillation. Guidelines for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on the Risk of Death The Framingham Heart Study ...
Key exclusion criteria were previously documented AF or atrial flutter, pacemaker, defibrillator, or implanted loop recorder. At Canadian sites, patients attending regularly scheduled outpatient visits were screened for eligibility and offered study participation. Study visits were conducted by local ...
(3–5 year) follow-up.1The most common cause of recurrence after prior ablation presents asatrial fibrillation, although incidentatrial tachycardiaoratrial flutterrelated to both previously existing and newly created substrate also may be seen. The mechanisms for such arrhythmias may include focal ...