darwin.d3dmetal: init at 1.1#287618 Closed reckenrodewants to merge1commit intoNixOS:masterfromreckenrode:darwin-d3dmetal +43−0 Contributor reckenrodecommentedFeb 10, 2024 Description of changes Package D3DMetal for use with Wine. Part of implementing#236414. Patches to Wine will follow onc...
(bool aButtonToggleState, uint16_t aButtonPressDurationMillis)); void init(); // used by constructors #define EASY_BUTTON_LONG_PRESS_DEFAULT_MILLIS 400 #define EASY_BUTTON_DOUBLE_PRESS_DEFAULT_MILLIS 400 bool readButtonState(); bool readDebouncedButtonState(); bool updateButtonState(); uint...
AT指令是应用于终端设备与PC应用之间的连接与通信的指令。AT 即Attention。每个AT命令行中只能包含一条AT指令;对于AT指令的发送,除AT两个字符外,最多可以接收1056个字符的长度(包括最后的空字符)。 AT指令是以AT作首, 字符结束的字符串,AT指令的响应数据包在中。格式为:"AT+指令“。每个指令执行成功与否都有相...
at_hal_init [uart]>>> AT [uart]<<< OK [uart]>>> ATE0 [uart]<<< OK [uart]>>> ATI [uart]<<< Quectel EC200S Revision: EC200SCNAAR01A08M16 OK [uart]>>> AT+CGSN [uart]<<< 866222052347609 OK [uart]>>> AT+CGMR [uart]<<< EC200SCNAAR01A08M16 OK [uart]>...
编译之后会提示说,at命令被忽略了,所以这条语句没有被执行 2,可以自定义个section .flash_data : { . = ORIGIN(FLASH)+(2*1024); KEEP(*(SORT_NONE(.flash_data_save_address))) } >FLASH AT>FLASH . = ORIGIN(FLASH)+(2*1024);//ORIGIN(FLASH)为 MEMORY定义的FLASH的起始地址(0x00000000),后面增...
hal_i2c_init(&SHT30_dev); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 不过在这里需要注意API里有个小问题,配置里没有指定scl和sda的gpio口,他们被默认配置在i2c.c中,由于我的esp32 devkitC的scl和sda口分别在22和21,所以在这里改一下(这里预设了两个设备,我选的是第二个) ...
标签2 openeuler-ci-bot!40增加riscv64架构的初步支持31a01ce1年前 237 次提交 dist sync from src-openeuler libcareplus 2年前 docker/kernelcare/centos7/gcc-4.8.2-16.el7 init: Init LibcarePlus based on LibCare v0.1.4 4年前 docs init: Init LibcarePlus based on LibCare v0.1.4 ...
Take your deployment to the next level. Transitioning to production with Red Hat Enterprise offers you enhanced stability, security, and support. Our dedicated team is here to ensure a smooth migration and to help with any questions you may have. ...
在system_at32f4xx.c文件中void SystemInit (void)函数确保有如下粗斜体代码 执行Julia算法函数 比较开启和不开启 FPU 功能的 Julia 运算速度。2) 代码介绍main函数代码描述 实验结果 编译器上开启FPU功能,观察LED4翻转速度 编译器上关闭FPU功能,观察LED4翻转速度 ...
A Creating a dialog on the fly is theoretically straightforward but practically perilous. Just create the proper structures in memory and then call one of the Indirect dialog creation functions: CDialog::CreateIndirect to create a modeless dialog or CDialog::InitModalIndirect to create a modal one...