ASUS has a range of wireless routers suitable for every purpose. Whether it's for your home, for business trips, or for any other need or environment, there's an ASUS router for you.
Asus Rt Ax86|Enhance your home network with the ASUS RT-N12+ WIFI Router, offering a robust 300Mbps max. LAN data rate and versatile connectivity options for a seamless internet experience.
ASUS RT-N12+ B1 is a 300Mbps Wireless N Router with both wired and wireless network connections designed specifically for small business and home office networking use. With 2T2R MIMO Technology and the external high-performance antenna, the RT-N12+ B1 creates an extended coverage area with adva...
Asus RT-N12 300Mbps Wireless router Repeater Mode Setup In this step, you will get the option to choose the mode you want to configure the Asus router. As these tutorials for Asus router repeater mode so choose the center option Repeater mode here. ...
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ASUS 华硕 RT-AC86U 双频2900M 千兆Mesh家用无线路由器 WiFi 5 589元起 看百科 去购买 ASUS 华硕 RT-N12+ PRO 300M WiFi 4 家用路由器 黑色 ASUS 华硕 RT-N12+ PRO 300M WiFi 4 家用路由器 黑色 139元起 看百科 ASUS 华硕 Lyra Trio 分布式路由器 ASUS 华硕 Lyra Trio 分布式路由器 999元起...
電腦周邊設備,一站購足就在華碩官方商城。802.11ac 晶片組採用第五代 Wi-Fi(5G Wi-Fi)技術,賦予RT-AC1500UHP超快的無線網路速度。RT-AC1500UHP在 5GHz 時,速度可高達867 Mbps,而在2.4 GHz 時,速度為4x4 600 Mbps,比目前的300 Mbps路由器快2倍。RT-AC1500UHP
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超薄、時尚的 RT-AC1200GU 能同時執行 2.4GHz 與 5GHz 雙頻連接,可同時在 5GHz 和 2.4GHz 頻帶提供 最高 867Mbps 和 300Mbps 的超高速千兆 wireless-AC 傳輸速度。 1.2 包裝內容物 RT-AC1200GU 無線路由器 RJ-45 網線 電源適配器 快速使用指南 保修卡 注意 : • 若以上列出的任何一項配件有損壞或是...