Asthma can lead to severe and/or frequent exacerbations and abnormal lung function. Dupilumab (DPL), a fully human monoclonal antibody, blocks the shared receptor component for IL-4 and IL-13, key and central drivers of T2 inflammation in multiple diseases. In phase 3 VOYAGE (NCT02948959), ...
The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) was established in 1993 by the World Health Organization and the US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to improve asthma awareness, prevention and management worldwide. GINA develops and publishes evidence-bas
Long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) are recommended as initial treatment for COPD [8], while an effective approach in the case of asthma is budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) [9]—though several options are available, and the treatments must be personalised. Accordi...
In Steps 3 and 4, symptom control and lung function with MART are the same or better compared with use of a SABA reliever. Although Track 1 is preferred because of the significant reduction in severe exacerbations, Track 2 (with SABA as reliever) is an alternative option if ICS–formoterol...
22 Asthma worsening was defined and reported in each trial, but it was generally defined as a progressive increase in 1 or more asthma symptoms or a decline in lung function for 2 or more consecutive days that did not meet the definition of severe asthma exacerbation. As detailed in the ...
(MART) if the patient and physician elect this approach.22 In various studies, efBDP-FOR was at least as effective at improving lung function and measures of asthma control while preventing acute asthma exacerbations as (1) larger particle BDP with FOR delivered via separate inhalers;23 (2) ...
This website is run by the Oasys research group, part of the Midland Thoracic Society, UK. We are an independent group of clinicians and researchers, and run a clinical service for workers with occupational lung disease as part of the British National Health Service. We have developed theOasys...
The high worldwide burden of severe asthma symptoms would be mitigated by enabling access to effective therapies for asthma.International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Boehringer Ingelheim New Zealand, AstraZeneca Educational Grant, National Institute for Health Research, UK Medical Research...
23Replies Asthma flare up!? After recovering from chest infection , asthma flare up and asthma attacks. I still have a... elanaoali •1 year ago 9Replies asthma hi everyone this is my first time on her I have asthma and recently iv had a very bad cought mainly... ...
In light of this fact, we measured the following parameters: in vivo changes in specific airways resistance; ciliary beat frequency was estimated using a high-speed video camera; the levels of Th2 cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and TGF-apha-1 in lung homogenate were determined using ...