日本亚马逊 ASICS Womens Gel-Game Point Tennis Shoe,White/Silver/White,9.5 M US by ASICS Footwear [並行輸入品]历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名ASICS Womens Gel-Game Point Tennis Shoe,White/Silver/White,9.5 M US by ASICS Footwear [並行輸入品]
美国亚马逊 ASICS Womens Gel-Encourage LE Tennis Shoe历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名ASICS Womens Gel-Encourage LE Tennis Shoe
商品高级经理Rene Zandbergen 在现场产品讲解环节,ASICS亚瑟士欧洲区核心性能体育品类商品高级经理Rene Zandbergen将GEL-RESOLUTION X誉为“最舒适与稳定的网球鞋(the most comfortable stability tennis shoe)”,并表示其可以满足从顶尖球星到业余网球爱好者不同层级的需求,足以可见他对这款网球鞋的信心。此外,他还向...
商品高级经理Rene Zandbergen 在现场产品讲解环节,ASICS亚瑟士欧洲区核心性能体育品类商品高级经理Rene Zandbergen将GEL-RESOLUTION X誉为“最舒适与稳定的网球鞋(the most comfortable stability tennis shoe)”,并表示其可以满足从顶尖球星到业余网球爱好者不同层级的需求,足以可见他对这款网球鞋的信心。此外,他还向全网...
The focus for the NOVABLAST 3 Running Shoes was to make it lighter and more comfortable. The intention for this trim level approach was to make it look as good in the streets as it does on race day.
美国亚马逊 ASICS Womens Gel Challenger 10 Tennis Shoe历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名ASICS Womens Gel Challenger 10 Tennis Shoe
美国亚马逊 ASICS Mens GEL-Gamepoint Tennis Shoe历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名ASICS Mens GEL-Gamepoint Tennis Shoe
美国亚马逊 ASICS Womens Gel Solution Speed 2 Tennis Shoe历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名ASICS Womens Gel Solution Speed 2 Tennis Shoe
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【美国亚马逊】 ASICS Womens GEL-Dedicate 4 Tennis Shoe ¥165 22.89美元 汇率7.194 更新于刚刚 收入文章 收藏 0 直达链接 历史价 最高49.99美元 最低22.89美元 by 海淘网haitao.com15.11.2815.12.1716.1.152030405060 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP