Orbis LitterarumHorn, Katalin. "The hair is black as ebony. . .". The Function of Mrchen in Donald Barthelme's Snow White." Orbis Litterarum. 38 (1983): 271-79.Horn, Katalin. 1983. "`The hair is black as ebony...': The Function of the Marchen in Donald Barthelme's Snow White. ...
Hexanal emission from paper or board is often assessed as an indicator of potential odor and tainting problems in food packaging. The present study argues that such analysis may not always give the correct answers. The GC-MS analysis commonly applied tend to assess the forming rate of hexanal....
All studies were made under basic conditions. Data on the aggregation behavior, including the size and aggregation number of the polyelectrolyte under different conditions, are given and the capillary electrophoretic results are interpreted in terms of the dynamic light scattering data. In addition, ...
Alenius H, Kalkkinen N, Yip E, Hasmin H, Turjanmaa K, Makinen-Kiljunen S, et al. Significance of rubber elongation factor as a latex allergen. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1996;109:362-8.Alenius H, Kalkkinen N,Yip E,et al. Significance of rubber elongation factor as a latex allergen...
Shahrara SDrvota VBlange ITörmäSylvén CBiochemical & Biophysical Research Communications
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