adj. 是形容词adjective的简称。也就是这个词组的用法是as+形容词+as,如as beautiful as my mother,跟我妈妈一样漂亮。祝进步。 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《英语零基础直达CET4级考试版》的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以报名参加课程学习。所有知识讨论内容,版权归作者及沪江网校所有。 查看更多知识点 ...
Verbs是动词的意思 in the past在这里解释为过去式 as作为 adjective形容词 所以:动词过去式作形容词
结果一 题目 'as '+adjective +'as '中adjective所表示的形容词一定是原形吗? 答案 一定是,如果否定前一as可该为so,把adj换做adv也如此This book is as interesting as that one.He works as hard as his classmates.相关推荐 1'as '+adjective +'as '中adjective所表示的形容词一定是原形吗?
'as '+adjective +'as '中adjective所表示的形容词一定是原形吗? 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 一定是,如果否定前一as可该为so,把adj换做adv也如此This book is as interesting as that one.He works as hard as his classmates. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解...
act,...都是一个道理。简单来说第一句话的成分就是主谓宾+后置定语+状语后置。翻译的话就是 经理在没有仔细看我的方案的情况下,就认为我的方案无用而淘汰掉了它。第二句同理,这些孩子认为他很无趣所以排斥他。as在这两句中都表主观原因,和形容词做后置定语修饰宾语。亲学语法表太死板哦~
4. 有"as [adjective] as [adjective]" 的结构句法,意思为"虽...但...":As shy as she was determined, she faced her fears and delivered a powerful speech.(尽管她害羞,但她同样坚定,她面对了恐惧,发表了一场有力的演讲。)祝大家学业进步,取得好成绩!其它更多英语基本知识点请点击主页详细了解...
Yes. Just like adjectives, we often use more than one "noun as adjective" together. Look at these examples:car production costs: we are talking about the costs of producing carsnoun as adjectivenoun as adjectivenoun costs production costs car production costs...
“lead”as adjectiveThey can be very similar. When used as an adjective, "lead" sometimes becomes more of a description of someone's status. It usually relates to a specific project or organisation. For example: "He is the lead scientist at the centre."
??reject的用法阿就是说reject +人+as+形容词1,经理还没仔细研究便将我的计划当作没用的东西拒绝了2,其他的小孩都不爱和他玩,把他当傻瓜。
请教我一个使用mean (as adjective)的例句。 最好是在日常生活中经常使用的句子。 rtavares 2016年9月3日 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) She is a mean machine! (Song start me up by Rolling Stones) 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0)