逡巡良久后,终于打算把稿件传到arXiv上了。首次提交LaTeX文件还是有些不顺畅。考虑了下准备直接传pdf版本,但被系统认出来自于TeX文件,要求提供源文件。(其实我也想提交源文件的,就是感觉麻烦—也没一个详细的tutorial)。看见了几遍,网站上说系统的auto tex很smart的,一咬牙——大不了一遍遍试。 后来发现还真是...
Your submission status is displayed in your user dashboard: arxiv.org/user/. At the announcement time there may be a delay when the submitted version is not visible as it is processed by our system and before the public version of the work appears. During the announcement process you will...
class="nolink">arXivsubmit/4632976pan class="nolink">提交后一直处于on hold状态,标记下! Dear arXiv user, We have received yoursubmissionto arXiv. Your temporary submission identifieris: submit/4632976. You may update your submission at:https://arxiv.org/submit/4632976 Your article is currently...
Before you make the final "Submit Article" step in the submission process, be sure to carefully check the title and abstract (metadata) and the processed files, and correct any errors.Contact arXiv administratorsfor help. If you discover an error after submission but before public announcement,...
一个月前先把文章放到www.arxiv.org上,收到邮件说两天后就会submitted。昨天对文章做了点修改,选了replace,替换为修改后的文章。但是修改后的文章状态一直是incomplete,也没有收到邮件说什么时候会submitted。 所以请问一下替换后多久修改后的才会挂到网上呢? 对于投递论文暂无经验。 谢谢。 返回小木虫查看更多分享...
Efficient First Order Methods for Linear Composite Regularizers arXiv : submit / 0227017 [ cs . LG ] 7 Apr 2011Argyriou, AndreasChicago, S Kenwood AveMicchelli, Charles APontil, MassimilianoWce, Malet Place LondonShen, LixinSyracuse, Carnegie Hall...
arxiv_latex_cleaner This tool allows you to easily clean the LaTeX code of your paper to submit to arXiv. From a folder containing all your code, e.g. /path/to/latex/, it creates a new folder /path/to/latex_arXiv/, that is ready to ZIP and upload to arXiv. Example call: arxi...
Extragalactic background light inferred from AEGIS galaxy SED-type fractions arXiv : submit / 0213658 [ astro-ph . CO ] 15 Mar 2011Domínguez, aDominguez, A., Primack, J. R., Rosario, D. J., Prada, F., Gilmore, R. C., Faber, S. M., et al. ...
A. Intissar, On the complete indeterminacy and the chaoticity of generalized Heun's operator in Bargmann space, ArXiv:1401.6560v1 [math.SP] 25 Jan (2014)Intissar, A., On the complete indeterminacy and the chaoticity of generalized Heun's operator in Bargmann space, 2014, arXiv: 1401.6560...
overleaf论文上传arxiv小记 | 1. 首先要在overleaf里修改好自己的论文,要保证没有红色error,黄色warning可以不管。2. 图片格式使用pdf格式(eps和pdf之间的转换,亲测adobe非常有效,可以用adobe打开eps另存为pdf,或者编辑pdf另存为eps)。3. 引用文献尽量使用.bib文件,后面不太会出错。4. 修改完成之后,点击overleaf上...