Recent research has demonstrated that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiotherapy (RT) has significantly streamlined the process for physicians to treat patients with tumors; however, bibliometric ... Minghe Lv, Yue feng, Su Zeng, Yang Zhang, Wenhao Shen, Wenhui Guan, Xiangyu E., ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ☑️出版社:Elsevier☑️ISSN:0933-3657eISSN:1873-2860☑️影响因子:7.5☑️期刊分区:JCR1区,中科院1/2区(TOP)☑️检索数据库:SCIE & Scopus 在检☑️出刊频率:月刊,1年12卷,1卷1期,最新一期Volume 146 In progress (December 2023)☑...
Artificial Intelligence in China has emerged as a pivotal domain of innovation, becoming a kefy actor in different segments of the economy...
Fig. 1: Current status of Artificial intelligence in oncology and related fields. Summarising representations of the artificial intelligence-based devices, FDA-approved, expressed by oncology-related specialties (a: cancer radiology 54.9%, pathology 19.7%, radiation oncology 8.5%, gastroenterology 8.5%, ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems (systems that exhibit characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior). This book is the first published textbook of AI in chemical engineering, and provides broad and in-...
"Onc e hum ans develop artificial intelligence, it will tak e of f an d redesign itsel f at an alarming rat e. Humans couldn't compet e an d woul d b e sup ersed e d ," h e tol d th e BB C. However , Hawki ng suggest e d , "I believ e w e can creat e AI fo...
Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly computational intelligence and machine learning methods and algorithms, has been naturally applied in the development of recommender systems to improve prediction accuracy and solve data sparsity and cold start problems. This position paper systematically discusses ...
Artificial intelligence in drug discovery: time for context Drug discovery, given its interdisciplinary nature, has always been driven by novel developments, whether in the physical sciences (such as organic synthesis) or in the biological sciences (such as the ability to sequence genomes or advances...
CArtificial Intelligence (AI, 人工智能) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. It is also a field of study that tries to make a computer "intelligent". In 1950, a scientist came up with the name "artificial intelligence". John McCarthy said, "A change...
The meaning of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is the capability of computer systems or algorithms to imitate intelligent human behavior; also, pluralartificial intelligences : a computer, computer system, or set of algorithms having this capability. How to use