As the originator of social cognitive theory, he helped shift the emphasis of psychology away from psychodynamic and classic behaviorist perspectives. In the early 1960's Albert Bandura began investigating aggression through imitation, research that gave rise to one of the most famous psychology ...
Notes on the Economics of Game Theory Knowledge and Power The Disruptive Engine - Innovation and the Capitalist Dream The Spectrum of Auctions Market Participants (Players) Market Impeders and Market Inefficiencies The Redistributive Mechanism of Divorce The Criminality of Transition Dividing the Loot The...
to the point where even brands have been affected by it. The paper aimed at developing a model to study the behaviour of brand related fake news sharing. The factors predicting brand related fake news sharing were based on the uses and gratification theory (UGT) ...
Viktor Frankl, the existential therapist, challenged the psychodynamic view that a determined end-goal of all activity throughout life is the re- establishment of individual equilibrium. Frankl did not see people as mainly trying to gratify their drives and satisfy their instincts in order to mainta...
Originating from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, psychodynamic therapy is based on the idea that many of our behaviors result from unconscious thought processes. A therapist who practices psychodynamic therapy may help someone develop self-awareness and discover the influence of their past on ...
The psychodynamic formulation of the problem in the terms of the triangle of conflict is complete: the patient is afraid (inhibiting anxiety), that if she allows herself to feel angry (core affect), she will lose her husband (aversive consequences of affective experience); thus, she denies her...
(1994). Developing culturally sensitive psychodynamic case formulations: The effects of Asian cultural elements on psychoanalytic control-mastery theory. Psychotherapy, 31(3), 525-532.Bracero, W. (1994). Developing culturally sensitive psychodynamic case formula- tions: The effects of Asian cul...
The Karolinska Psychodynamic Profile (KAPP) is a new rating instrument based on psychoanalytical theory that is intended to assess relatively stable modes of mental functioning, as they appear in self-perception and in interpersonal relations. The 18 subscales of the KAPP and their scale steps are...