Ttar-Dan, MariaYearbook of the 'Gheorghe Sincai' Institute for Social Sciences & the Humanities of the Romanian Academy
Du deuil familial à la glorification publique: représentations divergentes de la Première Guerre Mondiale dans la Roumanie de l’entre-deux guerresIs the memory of world war I the property of former combatants or is it rather the creation of intellectual circles, disposed to provide this event...
Les Causes De La Guerre MondialeA popular presentation of the subject, written by the director of the Musée de la Grande Guerre, essentially a restatement of the traditional French view.William L. LangerForeign Affairs
The author uses books, diplomatic documents to trace this image. His conclusion: there was enough information about Hungary before Trianon for the Quai d'Orsay.Istvn Majoros
The study explores the different poetic attitudes to war observing the historical context, the biographical trajectory and the ulcerated sensibility of each writer considering their undeniable similarity is the impossibility of silence.Croitoru, CorinaStudia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Europaea...
Regarding Romania, the Peace Conference represented a complicated period from a diplomatic point of view, in which the main battle was for the Western borders of the country.SLGEAN, MARCELATransylvanian Review
Romanian intellectual resistance was varied, with an important role being played by culture personalities – culture had became a dynamic force embodying national and social realities.Liana LăpădatuMarcela Sălăgean
Firstly, love is seen in a time of war : confusion, shyness, taboos, education and above all the moral principles of society that prevents true feelings from being expressed; it is a silent war with no winner. The feeling to have failed one's life, despite a successful escape, prevails ...