Art Gallery: Use of a structure or building for the display of sculptures, painting, photographs, or other artistic works for public viewing with only incidental sales. Arterial: Unless otherwise specified, a roadway so designated under the Hillsborough County Functional Classification System. As Bui...
AFTER ART, ET AL.(Art Martinez of Sears)(Brief Article)Schoulberg, Warren
Thurner, L. et al. Progranulin antibodies entertain a proinflammatory environment in a subgroup of patients with psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis research & therapy 15, doi: Artn R211, Doi: 10.1186/Ar4406 (2013). Zhao, Y. P., Tian, Q. Y. & Liu, C. J. Progranulin deficiency exaggerates,...
Artif. Intell. Med. 2019, 99, 101693. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Chang, P.; Grinband, J.G.; Weinberg, B.D.; Bardis, M.; Bardis, M.; Cadena, G.; Su, M.Y.; Cha, S.; Filippi, C.G.; Bota, D.; et al. Deep-learning convolutional neural networks accurately ...
At the same time, the Napoleonic administration sent food and money, as well as works of art, out of Italy. The development of Italian industry was retarded by competition from French goods, which were imported duty-free, and after 1806, by the Continental Blockade. Discontent and a yearning...
The videographic practices contain certain behaviours, understandings, and emotions that are socially constructed and communally understood (Reckwitz, Citation2002; Schau et al., Citation2009). The notion of “participatory culture” provides one way of viewing the social dimension of the UGC ...
Furthermore, these results indicate that IFI16 provides a broad surveillance role against viral and transfected DNA by promoting restriction of gene expression from the exogenous DNA and inducing innate immune responses.doi:10.1016/j.anthro.2006.07.007MarieHélène MoncelElsevier SASLanthropologie...
Application of antibiotic protocols drawn-up by the clinicians, microbiologists and chemists concerned appears to be an efficient solution that is clearly acceptable to the various participants.S. LedruDamien BeliartC. FranoisJacques ClaisJ. Amourette...
This paper builds on work done by Milovanska-Farrington et al. (2023) which looked at female influencers popular among Gen Z students; and Geerling et al. (2023a) who developed lesson plans based on three viral videos from MrBeast's YouTube channel; and Geerling et al. (2023b) who ...
(redirected fromPompidou, Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges) Beaubourg Beaubourg(bōbo͝orˈ), popular name for theGeorges Pompidou National Center for Art and Culture(zhôrzh pôNpēdo͞oˈ), museum in Paris, France; the popular name is derived from the district in which ...