如果是STEAM版,右键属性在启动项内添加-mod=XXX或者@XXX。第四部:启动游戏 2楼2012-07-26 19:36 收起回复 眼看世界 帽子大亨 14 BIS有自己的网上商店,ARMA3还有丝毫可能进STEAMWORKSHOP 3楼2012-07-26 20:03 收起回复 五月天我也听 打折扫货 9 我觉得DAYZ这么成功的MOD应该脱离ARMA 4楼2012-...
This tool can publish whole Mods onto Steam Workshop to be used in the game. Game Updater This application aims to improve the experience of switching between Steam branches of the game by avoiding the inconvenience of additional downloads every time you change. ...
http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3333104053. KA Weapons Pack NEW RC :http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=9223744964. KA Specially Equipped Pack :http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728020738Arma3 彩虹六号:围攻 COOP 1-4 PVE 任务Steam订阅...
This tool can publish whole Mods onto Steam Workshop to be used in the game. Game Updater This application aims to improve the experience of switching between Steam branches of the game by avoiding the inconvenience of additional downloads every time you change. ...
arma arma3 arma2 game-servers arma-servers Updated Aug 27, 2024 JavaScript Foxlider / FASTER Star 122 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Full rebuild of Flax's tool for installing and updating Arma 3 server with built in features for managing Steam Workshop mods. steam arma arma3 st...
分享18611 arma3吧 ZombieSon 【又有新MOD可吹了】身临其境的受伤 PIR MOD 这个MOD主要有几个亮点 第一:AI和玩家会受伤倒地挣扎,期间无法还击 第二:玩家可以救治AI伤兵,AI也会拖曳并救治其他伤兵 第三:玩家和AI在被击中头部时有可能会被打飞头盔 第四:AI在救治伤员时会投掷烟雾弹 steam workshop的名字叫Pro...
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967479574/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410或者搜索作者名字:mbrdmn。SCENARI:场景,即任务基本设定。 AO Location: 任务地点选择。EXTENDED AO:除了选定的任务地点,还可以额外选择3个任务地点,以便为玩家提供更大的战场空间。AI SKILL:AI的战斗技巧,这里要说明下Realsm是指不...
我个人的思路是用object builder把材质路径设置为D盘:\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@ROTAmod\IJA\JPxxxxxx里面的paa材质,如此一来在steam上订阅模组,模组会下载到上述路径,材质路径自动指向正确位置,但只适用于D盘(如果有解决思路的话请务必告诉我,感激不尽!)若你的电脑存在D盘,只不过游戏安装在其他...
1.24 The main purpose of the official Arma 3 Launcher is to enable easy management of local and Steam Workshop mods including their load order and custom presets, setting up game parameters and display Arma 3 developer news. The official Arma 3 Launcher was launched July 14, 2014 with the...
Added: 8Steam Achievements Added: Art of War Welcome Screen Added:Firing Drills/Time Trialscan now be configured in description.ext(making them self-contained and ready for Workshop publication) Added: Proper tooltips in Pylon Settings for Laws of War Demining Charges and Leaflets ...