已修复:Waypoint、remoteExec、particle、init.sqf 和action scheduling 脚本缺少_thisScript变量 - FT-T183544已修复:即使传递给 setUnitLoadout 的参数为nil,setUnitLoadout也会替换制服/背心/背包容器 - FT-T180975已修复:即使禁用阴影,游戏仍然会考虑阴影视距(并渲染该距离内的所有物体)- FT-T175612、FT-T175...
请教一下各位大佬,这..[_myLaptop,// Object the action is attached to"Hack Laptop",// Title of the action"\a
Added: If a schematics object can be and is destroyed, the side which destroyed it will lose the match Added: Upload Terminal is now used as Upload object Added: Military (Schematics) Tablet is now used as Schematics object Added: Scripted eventEndGame_Ended, which fires when the End Game ...
player addAction["空袭", { meins = 1000; mein1 = { openMap[false, false]; [_pos] spawn { for '_l39' from 0 to meins do { _l87 = "M_AT"; _l88 = [_this select 0 select 0, _this select 0 select 1, (_this select 0 select 2) + 200]; _l89 = createVehicle[_l87,...
3. Mission Event Handlers 4. UserAction Event Handlers 5. Projectile Event Handlers 6. Group Event Handlers 7. Player's UI Event Handlers 8. UI Event Handlers (Displays and Controls) 9. Music Event Handlers 10. Eden Editor 11. Public Variable Broadcast Event 12. Weapon Config Muzzle Events...
Added: New action that support opening inventory of soldiers under your controlAdded: Missing Zeus event handler ObjectSelectionChangedAdded: Support for allowedPreprocessFileExtensions parameter in Dedicated Server config file in order to make it impossible to read contents of files with an unlisted ...
没有坐在椅子上的动作..我是按照这个方法来做的 ,在这把椅子的初始栏里 输入{this addAction ["<t color='#0099FF'>Sit Down</t>
LukyyclosedT159126: Mi-17 'Stop and get out' actionasResolved. Sat, Feb 15, 9:56 AM·Arma 3 Creator DLC - CSLA Iron Curtain LukyyclosedT159091: Helicopters Damage Model needs tweakingasResolved. Sat, Feb 15, 9:55 AM·Arma 3 Creator DLC - CSLA Iron Curtain ...
Added: Ability to prevent bolt cutter usage per object: _obj setVariable [“gm_noBoltCutting”, true]; Added: GM Barbed wire fortifications can be deconstructed with bolt cutters Added: Scripted Eventhandler “gm_boltCutterUsed”, passes [_object, _actionType]. ...
Helicopters support up to 3 sets of cargo ropes, depending on the size of the heli. Once cargo ropes are deployed, any player can go to the end of the rope and pick it up. Once the ropes are picked up by a player, they can be attached to pretty much every object in the game. ...