v52.26 - Minor version for Xbox Clients - 09/17/2024 Fixed a Crash when opening the inventory. v52.18 - Minor version for Xbox Clients - 09/17/2024 Improved memory usage while in the inventory screen. Fixed the flickering issue on Aberration. Fixed some crashes. v52....
Hello studio wild card me and a lot of other people on Xbox having a low fps down to 20 fps due to how big the game is it tends to lag when looking around like turning which is a main thing in Asa. I hope this reaches out to y’all and finds the right pe...
General Discussion Single player ASA crashing on launch Xbox Series X. Single player ASA crashing on launch Xbox Series X.由 AnarchyDog 发表于十一月 30, 2023 在General Discussion AnarchyDog Early Birds 4 Trader Feedback 0 0 0 Total Rating N/A 发表于 十一月 30, 2023 after pl...
%d 年 RockitRush changed the title to NA PVE Official - Mox Co - Recruiting for ASA PS5/XBOX Console Release! 已归档 该主题已归档,关闭其他点评。 跳转到主题列表 Ark News 所有动态 主页 论坛 Play Station Cross-ARK Strategizing NA PVE Official - Mox Co - Recruitin...
Ark ASA needs a total UI size adjuster or a safe zone adjuster or a lot of other games, i have an older flat screen one with no option for resolution adjustment and i am sure im not that only one and it leaves in the case of ark asa the sizes of my scree
Hi I'm currently playing ASA on my PC via Xbox store, using the Xbox controller. I have had no issues with using the controller on ASE, but here on ASA I am having a major issue. The left stick is meant to control movement and the right stick the camera.
%s 天 Kriz changed the title to [ASA][ASE][Crossplay] 3 Extinctions! (Extinction 3 was added at XBOX Release) 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一页 页数1 / 6 创建账户或者登录再讨论 您需要成为会员才能留下讨论 创建账户 在本社区注册新账户。很简单的! 注册为新账户 登录 已有账...
四月27, 2023在Xbox Dedicated Server Discussions buscapedehuynh Members 10 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A 发表于四月 27, 2023 Has there been any mention of how/if we will still be able to use services like Scala/nitrado/Citadel/havoc to host our own private servers for ASA? Even with...
12月 22Krizchanged the title to[ASA][ASE][Crossplay] 3 Extinctions! (Extinction 3 was added at XBOX Release) 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一页 页数1 / 6 回复143 Created%d 年 最近回复12月 22 Top Posters In This Topic Kriz143 posts AlbertoFlores1 post ...
Hi im on xbox series X and ASA is blurry like textures arent loading in, the map is blurred and tips or something seems like it gets worse each update 6 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said: The map should not be blurry like that. Unfortunately on XBox I have always seen the...