The Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law is ranked 38th out of 197 ABA-approved law schools by US News in 2010. The Academic Educational Quality Rankings identifies the college of law as having one of the top 30 law faculties in the nation "based on a standard 'objective' measure of schol...
ArizonaStateUniversitylocatedinTempe.NorthernArizonaUniversity(NAU)locatedinFlagstaff.ArizonaStateUniversity •apublicflagshipmetropolitanresearchuniversitylocatedonfivecampuses.•TheyareTempe,Polytechnic,West,DowntownPhoenixandLakeHavasuCity.•ASU-MayoMedicalSchoolCampus TempeCampus—OldMain Tempecampus ...
^"The Washington Monthly National University Rankings" (PDF).The Washington Monthly. 2009. Retrieved 2009-12-23. ^"Masters in MIS program". Retriev...