History of Geological and Mining Activity The history of geological investigations in Argentina begins with Alcides D' Orbigny and Charles Darwin , who visited the country in the 1820s and 1830s. Systematic studies were initiated only after several European geologists were invited to cooperate during...
Beginning in the mid-1820s or early 1830s average heights of native-born whites declined systematically for at least three decades.2 The fact that mean stature was falling at a time of rising real wages was puzzling. To explain this anomaly, Fogel (1986) suggested two possibilities: (1) ...
Seville,Spain: Diputacio´n de Sevilla, 2000.Mayo, Carlos A. Estancia y sociedad en la pampa, 1740–1820. Buenos Aires: Biblos, 1995.Mayo, Carlos A., ed. Pulperos y pulperı ´as de Buenos Aires,1740–1830. Mar del Plata, Argentina: UniversidadNacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad...
where a great expansion of the mining industry was taking place. The coastal provinces fared better, although their livestock industry suffered from the effects of the civil war. For Santa Fe, moderate prosperity returned in the 1830s, and a similar trend began in Entre Ríos andCorrientesprovin...
where a great expansion of the mining industry was taking place. The coastal provinces fared better, although their livestock industry suffered from the effects of the civil war. For Santa Fe, moderate prosperity returned in the 1830s, and a similar trend began in Entre Ríos andCorrientesprovin...
For Santa Fe, moderate prosperity returned in the 1830s, and a similar trend began in Entre Ríos and Corrientes provinces in the 1840s.National consolidation, 1852–80 General Urquiza called a constitutional convention that met in Santa Fe in 1852. Buenos Aires refused to participate, but ...