港口名称 乌姆盖万 港口代码 AEUAQ 主要港口 主要 国家/地区代码 阿联酋 / AE 国家/地区 阿联酋 / 乌姆盖万 国家/地区英文名称 United Arab Emirates / UMM AL QUWAIN 航线名称 中东线港口介绍 乌姆盖万(أمّالقيوين)是阿联酋七个成员国之一,位于该国北部。面积755平方公里,人口49,...
It is highly unlikely you will find yourself as an expat living in Umm al-Quwain. It is the least populous of the seven sovereign emirates in the United Arab Emirates, located in the north of the country with just 72,000 inhabitants (although likely to have grown since this last 2007 cen...
The rapid urban growth in the U.A.E. is phenomenal and the orientation of the urban development was focalized on the modernization of the towns and cities. This development was done on detriment of the historical areas and leading to their socio-cultural metamorphosis. The historical area of ...