The new lettuce hasmore antioxidants and polyphenols, which are associated with preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease, than blueberries. It's packed with fiber and low in calories, according to the scientists. Most important, it tastes good – at least to Rutgers professor Ilya Raskin, who ...
OK, back to the awesome cupcakes… Since these cupcakes were for Little Man’s day care buddies, it only seemed fitting that he help me make them. You’ll notice that in the pictures from this recipe are, shall we say… a bit more messy than usual. They often have ingredients all ove...
The program I did didn't completely cut sugar, yet I lost 30 pounds and stayed there for months. Now I'm on a diet that does cut the sugar completely out (except for some fruits and low-glycemic foods) and I’m getting headaches again, but I slept so well last night and I'm get...