ARCTERYX(始祖鸟) Alpha SV Jacket Men's 冲锋衣裤的点评 全部(4)5星4星3星2星1星 Uchiha_Alex 推荐 (力荐) 价格来源 3200元,2017年backcountry海淘。 不足 使用了6年后颈肩部的压胶条脱落,另外主教红的颜色会褪色。使用场景比较有些,而且面料硬度大,穿起来类似雨披的哗哗直响。
Alpha Series: Climbing and alpine-focused systems; SV: Severe Weather Imported. View the Arc'teryx Alpha Product LineView all Arc'teryx Men's Multi-Sport Rain Jackets Technical Specs Best Use Hiking Climbing Mountaineering Fabric N100d 3L GORE-TEX Pro ...
The Arc'teryx Alpha SV Jacket is the ultimate alpine warrior. Crafted from GORE-TEX Pro 2.0 with recycled N100d face fabric, it's tougher than a mountain goat's hooves and ready to take on the most brutal mountain weather. This jacket doesn't just laugh in the face of storms - it's...
美国亚马逊 Arcteryx Alpha SV Jacket - Mens at Amazon Men’s Clothing store: Arc Teryx Alpha Sv Jacket Men S Cayenne Medium历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Arcteryx Alpha SV Jacket - Mens at Amazon Men’s Clothing store: Arc Teryx Alpha Sv Jacket Men S Cayen
美国亚马逊 Arcteryx Alpha SV Jacket - Men's: Sports & Outdoors历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Arcteryx Alpha SV Jacket - Men's: Sports & Outdoors
ARCTERYX(始祖鸟) Alpha SV Bibs Men's 冲锋衣裤简介 这款Alpha SV背带裤专门针对严酷环境的恶劣天气而设计,具有强大的高山性能,并且充分利用GORE-TEX Pro面料耐磨防水且透气的保护性能。Alpha SV背带裤采用N80p-X GORE-TEX PRO 3L面料,这种面料经五年精心研制而成,具有超凡耐磨度,同时柔软且富有弹性。面料表层采用...
购买渠道 美国亚马逊 去购买 爆料原文: Arcteryx Alpha SV Jacket - Men's,15年款最近新低价,国内专柜8千多,美亚这次的折扣很划算,虽然是旧款但转运回国不到3000元的价格应该是很低了。 什么值得买是一家中立的消费门户网站,好价信息来自热心值友爆料和商家自荐,经小编人工审核或小值机器人智能判断后发布。促销...
November. Engineered for snow and water to run right off the fabric, the jacket was put through some of the worst weather we’ve had this year without ever letting the layers underneath it receive an ounce of moisture. Indeed, I couldn’t find one fault on the Alpha SV’s waterproofing....
Made for alpine missions and vertical ascents on ice, the men's Arc'teryx Alpha SV jacket offers durable weather protection made to withstand the harshest conditions that you'll find on the mountain.
ARCTERYX(始祖鸟) Phase SV CZ Bottom Men's 内衣简介 Phase 系列最厚的打底裤,适合寒冷气候的高强度活动穿着。这款超排汗打底裤采用舒适人体工学剪裁,中度保暖,有裤裆拉链设计,适合高山寒冷天气的穿着,能与Alpha SV Bib CZ背带裤搭配穿着。这款紧身裤采用超吸汗设计,间歇性运动过程中可迅速干燥,可确保更干爽...