Archives of Oral Biology 是一本专注于牙科和口腔研究的学术期刊,它起源于英格兰的牛津。该杂志由著名的出版社 Pergamon Press 出版,为全球的科研人员提供了高质量的学术交流平台。作为一本月刊,Archives of Oral Biology 每月都会发布最新的研究成果和理论探讨,致力于推动口腔医学领域的知识进步。该杂志...
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of blood disorders characterized by clonal progressive cytopenias in peripheral blood and heterogeneous, resulting from abnormal proliferation of stem cells. Inactive transcription of suppressor tumor genes by hypermethylation of CpG islands in promoter regions has...
《Archives of oral biology》是1959年Elsevier Ltd出版的期刊,刊期为Monthly,刊载方向为医学-牙科与口腔外科。办刊历史 1959年,《Archives of oral biology》开始出版。办刊成果 出版发行 据2021年3月LetPub显示,《Archives of oral biology》年文章数为215篇。影响因子 据2021年3月LetPub显示,《Archives of ...
据2021年2月LetPub显示,《ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS》2019-2020自引率为1.60%,h-index为156,Cite Score为6.30,SJR为1.081,SNIP为1.046,在Biochemistry类期刊(407种)中排第93名,在Biophysics类期刊(129种)中排18名,在Molecular Biology类期刊(381种)中排第116名。期刊分区 据中科院...
国外期刊投稿指南:ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY 这本国际期刊ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY的国际标准连续出版物编号(ISSN)为0003-9969,电子国际标准连续出版物编号(E-ISSN)为1879-1506。根据2021年的数据,它被归类为中科院四区,JCR评级为Q2,显示了其在口腔和颅面科学领域的学术影响力。2021年的影响因子...
The Archives of Biological Sciences features articles in genetics, botany and zoology (including higher and lower terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals, prokaryote biology, algology, mycology, entomology, etc.); biological systematics; evolution; biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, including ...
of normal cell functioning, from embryonic to differentiated tissues and in different pathological states; physiology, including chronobiology, thermal biology, cryobiology; radiobiology; neurobiology; immunology, including human immunology; human biology, including the biological basis of specific human ...
ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY影响因子,是几区,是不是预警期刊 学术期刊《ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY》是一份国际期刊,旨在发表口腔和颅面科学领域最高科学质量的论文。该杂志对促进颅面发育和疾病机制知识的研究特别感兴趣,包括:细胞和分子生物学 分子遗传学 免疫学 发病机制 细胞微生物学 胚胎学 综合征学 法医牙科...
biology, algology, mycology, entomology, etc.); biological systematics; evolution; biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, including all aspects of normal cell functioning, from embryonic to differentiated tissues and in different pathological states; physiology, including chronobiology, thermal biology, ...