As an alternative, you can add the following to your .xinitrc:setxkbmap -layout "us, se" -option "grp:caps_toggle"This is mainly useful if you run a Desktop Environment which does not take care of keyboard layouts for you.Enable pointerkeysMouse keys is now disabled by default and has ...
These packages provide an alternative packaging of the toolchain (linux-api-headers, glibc, gcc and binutils) for Arch Linux. See below for the key differences and potential problems. There are two options for using these PKGBUILDs. You can clone the git repo directly and build them yourself...
Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc. Contribute to archlinux/archinstall development by creating an account on GitHub.
Can I customize the kernel in Arch Linux®? Yes, you can customize the kernel in Arch Linux®. Arch allows you to compile your own kernel or use alternative kernels available in the repositories. This flexibility lets you optimize the kernel to better suit your hardware and specific use ...
用linux很久了,一直用mutt和thunderbird作为邮箱客户端,之前mutt的配置是fetchmail+procmail+mutt+msmtp,但是后来发现使用imap的时候offflineimap更好用,procmail对我其实基本无用,遂改成offlineimap+mutt+msmtp的配置,多说无益,直入主题。 今天主要还是存一下个人对offlineimap+mutt+msmtp的粗浅理解,并供大家一起参考,主...
arch linux install 2021-08-24 dd raw iso 查看u盘信息 sudo fdisk -l 卸载 sudo umount /dev/sdb* 格式化 U 盘 sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb -I 使用dd命令,格式如下 sudoddif=xxx.iso of=U盘路径 完整示例 此处sudo ~/ 是root账户目录 建议用绝对路径ddbs=4Mif=path/to/archlinux-version-x86_64.iso...
You have the choice of three alternative init systems: OpenRC, runit, or s6. If you already have Arch Linux installed, you can use the script to quickly convert your install to Artix Linux with OpenRC. Controversy...
One sad thing about trying alternative ways to install Arch is that the developers won't help when you get stuck. So, you should stick with the official installation guide on the Arch Linux Wiki. Open Linux files in Windows with Linux Reader ...
5. Alternative:rpmextractandalien On Arch Linux, the packages are supposed to be as close to vanilla as possible. That’s why we didn’t use any external installation utilities. However, if we’re lazy, we can userpmextractandalien. ...
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