Ch 5 Quiz 26個詞語 josh_mcdaniel37預覽 Chapter 16 20個詞語 Haley_Latson8預覽 north and south vocab 7個詞語 moonk70預覽 Revolution: Unit 3/4 Semester Final Review 老師24個詞語 katharine_edwards27預覽 US Histroy 11 exam 50個詞語 Meme_Man738預覽 final part 4 9個詞語 Isai_Almazan預覽 Recons...
Term Quiz 10 15個詞語 Social studies crap 11個詞語 Geography - Land Acquisitions 5個詞語 chapter 2 2.2 16個詞語 Schneider Between the Wars Test 76個詞語 Progressives 26個詞語 Causes of Civil War 老師23個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(38) Columbian Exchange ...
History, Chapter 15 41個詞語 Tessa_Pearce1預覽 Colonial America - flashcards 8個詞語 Tim_TTT預覽 Chapter 6: Campaigns and Elections 20個詞語 lily72890預覽 empire and expansion 1890-1909 28個詞語 breckynnn預覽 Unit 5 AP Government and Politics 20個詞語 Ayri_Tucker預覽 lesson launch unit 2 22...
APUSH Chapter 1-2 Quiz 20個詞語 Causes and Events of the American Revolution 36個詞語 DCUSH Final 82個詞語 SS 1st Final Exams 100個詞語 Chapter 19 Map Exercises 10個詞語 The Road to Revolution: Key Events and Reactions 29個詞語 Political and Social Impacts of Industrialization in the USA ...
Chapter 21 SmartBook 44個詞語 Kgbrown8預覽 Social Studies Chapter 4 15個詞語 ecaron88預覽 Sectionalism Quiz Study Guide 老師18個詞語 griffink44預覽 APUSH Terms 124個詞語 Chloe_Hart16預覽 Colonization of North America and the American Revolution 28個詞語 Emilyforand預覽 APUSH SEMESTER FINAL STUDY ...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Old Immigrants vs. New Immigrants、Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882、Political Machines等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
He was an American politician, diplomat, and Secretary of the Treasury. He was responsible for balancing the budget, which let America purchase the Louisiana territory from France. Robert Livingston Along with James Monroe, negotiated in Paris for the Louisiana land area; signed a treaty on April...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Sugar Act of 1764、Vice Admiralty Courts、Stamp Act of 1765等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。