2. Aluminium liquid holding machine 3. Aluminium melting furnace OUR SERVICE Pre-sale service We are committed to helping you more, not only in the melting and heating system, but in providing you with better solutions throughout a whole production line. After-sale service 1. On-line ...
Correct preheating of the aluminium electrolysis cell is a very important factor in pot life. A uniform cathode surface temperature and homogeneous cathode block temperature gradients are of great importance. Industri-Teknik Bengt Fridh AB has developed a gas or oil fired system, APS, for preheating...
Höganäs氧化物大气等离子喷涂(APS)粉末。 Amperit®aluminium (Al)/titanium (Ti) oxide powders Amperit 740.000 | 纯Al2O3| 22/5微米 Amperit 740.001 | 纯Al2O3| 45/22微米 Amperit 740.002 | 纯Al2O3| 90/45微米 Amperit 740.003 | 纯Al2O3| 45/5微米 ...
“APS”是英文“Aluminium Profile System”的首字母缩写,直译为中文是“铝型材系统”的意思。当其被注册为商标后,他人能否作为产品通用名称进行合理使用?日前,上海比迪工业铝型材配件有限公司(下称比迪公司)为此将另一家销售铝型材的上海博坚工业铝型材有限公司(下称博坚公司)诉至法庭,认为其在销售的产品及公司网站、...
济宁雨辰知识产权代理有限公司转:“APS”是英文“Aluminium Profile System”的首字母缩写,直译为中文是“铝型材系统”的意思。当其被注册为商标后,他人能否作为产品通用名称进行合理使用?日前,上海比迪工业铝型材配件有限公司(下称比迪公司)为此将另一家销售铝型材的上海博坚工业铝型材有限公司(下称博坚公司)诉至法庭,...
1. High quality aluminium alloy frame, being sturdy and durable; 2. The coil is of integrated winding structure, which made of one copper tube without segmentation, which greatly reduces the water leakage trouble from the coil weld seam 3. The c...
Amperit® aluminium (Al)/titanium (Ti) oxide powders Amperit 740.000 | 纯Al2O3 | 22/5微米 Amperit 740.001 | 纯Al2O3 | 45/22微米 Amperit 740.002 | 纯Al2O3 | 90/45微米 Amperit 740.003 | 纯Al2O3 | 45/5微米 Amperit 740.008 | 纯Al2O3 | 20/5微米 Amperit 740.050 | 纯...
aluminium profile system (以下简称aps):aps 工业铝型材 aps工业铝型材产品在全球拥有广泛的用户,享有很高的声誉,堪称中国的no.1 详情访问网站:www.chinaaps.com 或来电咨询。 上海艺扬自动化设备有限公司是一家专业集研究、探索、设计、开发、组装、销售、服务于一体的企业。主要经营项目:工业铝型材及铝相关制品、...
Aluminium钝化:Passivierung轴:Achse轴承:Lager载荷:Ladung应力:Spannung塔设备:Anlagen der Kolonne人孔:Einsteige Loch压缩机:Verdichter离心泵:Kreiselpumpe气缸:Zylinder活塞:Kolben扬程:Wasserstrahlhoehe叶轮:Laufrad阀门:Ventil循环:Kreislauf涡轮:Turbine柏努力方程:Bernoulli Gleichung压强:Druckstaerke杆:Arm力:Kraft...
Dabei werden der Stahlschmelze钢水Ferrosilicium硅铁und Aluminium铝beigesetzt(添加), die den Sauerstoff in der Schmelze binden; dies verhindert Sauerstoffeinschlüsse und erhöht damit die Festigkeit强度des Stahls. Bei dem Vorgang der Desoxidation(脱氧), also der Erstarrung凝固(Abkühlung冷却des...