Germain, Marie‐FranceDivision des méthodes d'enquetês sociales Statistique Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6Julien, ClaudeDivision des méthodes d'enquetês sociales Statistique Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6Wiley‐BlackwellCanadian Journal of Statistics...
The superior tolerance of Bax knockout hearts to I/R injury recommends this gene as a potential target for therapeutic intervention in patients with severe and intractable myocardial ischemia.doi:10.1306/212F886E-2B24-11D7-8648000102C1865DKangas, Olli EJournal of Sedimentary Research...
A pyrazoline ring is used as a masking, a stereodirecting, and a latent formyl group in the synthesis of 7-amino-4-formyl cephems from 6H-1,3-thiazines.Keywords: thiazine, cephem, pyrazoline, benzeneseleninic anhydride.Rémy Tuloup...
15 N spectroscopy at natural abundance has been applied to the study of electronic delocalization in the N C bond of a series of substituted anilines. The relationships which offer a good way for evaluating the extent of electronic delocalization from 15 N chemical shift data in anilines have ...
The quenching rate (up to 106 K/s) and theoretical gas composition at the outlet of the overall reactor can be calculated in a fairly good agreement with experimental results.doi:10.1002/cjce.5450630316F. LapicqueJ. LedeJ. Villermaux
The method permits one to find the successive inversions for the selectivity of reactional sites for the 1-methyl-quinoleinium ions and for toluene as a function of Mullikens electronegativity, and depending only on the nature of the reactants which are engaged.Chalvet, O....
acteur cyclonedécarbonatation de NaHCO3constantes cinétiquesréactions endothermiques de solidesSummary form only given, as follows.doi:10.1002/cjce.5450700613J. LédéH. Z. LiJ. VillermauxWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyCanadian Journal of Chemical Engineering...
doi:10.1002/mrc.1270050805Humm, FrançoiseRomanetti, RobertTordo, PaulBouscasse, LuePhan‐Tan‐Luu, RogerJohn Wiley & Sons LimitedOrganic Magnetic Resonance
These cells are described by linear combinations of the halogen valence shell s and p orbitals and the hybrid orbitals of the nearest metallic atoms which point to the halogen. The electronic delocalization of the halogen ions is very weak (0.02) for: LiF, NaF, KF, LiCl, NaCI, and KCI. ...