In another situation, if the fee structure for all the three entities-education, lodging and boarding is different then tax on such entities will be calculated separately. Because the education here is pondered as service while the facility of providing residence did not consider under GST. Face...
As per GST rules, the tax rate on mobile phones is the same across the nation. There are possibilities of a drop in the prices of mobile phones as the GST rates are now reduced. GST rates for mobile phones is 18% and the HSN code is 8517. When SGST & CGST or IGST is Applied?
TDS and TCS under GST came into effect from 1st October 2018. TDS refers to the tax which is deducted when the buyer of goods or services, such as government
Applicable Taxes means the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and any provincial tax, by law, payable by Canada such as, the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) as of April 1, 2013. Applicable Tax Rate means (a) 40% or (b) if, at the time of the relevant distrib...
Is Basic Duty payable by EOU after GST implementation? Is EOU required to pay IGST on imports? MEIS and GST Can MEIS scrips be used to pay customs duty against import of GST items? When does exporter get refund of GST paid? Click here to know GST rate payable for goods or service ...
Applicable Tax Ratemeans (a) 40% or (b) if, at the time of the relevant distribution described in Section 7.6(f) herein, the highest combined federal, state and local marginal rate applicable to corporate taxpayers residing in New York City, New York, taking into account the deductibility ...
is a privatelimited company registered under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 andhaving a GSTIN: 24AACCK7952Q1ZW, has filed an application for Advance Ruling under Section 97 of CGST Act, 2017 and Section 97 of the GGST Act, 2017 in FORM GST...
investments are presentednetofwithholdingtaxes,whenapplicable. 編製現金流量表時,投資所得現金流入按扣減預扣稅款後的款額呈列(倘適用)。 Staff assessment is aformof taxation,internal to the United Nations, and is analogoustotaxesonsalariesapplicableinmost co...
At each subsequentturnoverofgoods,thetaxespreviously paid and the values previously taxed were again subjected to tax in a process often referred to as "tax-on-tax" or "cascading". 其 後每次 商品的流轉 , 先前已 繳付的稅款及已課稅的價值,均須再次課稅,有 關過程通...
What should the government of India do to get the GST Bill definitely passed this budget session? Upon the debtor's default, what rights does the creditor have to the collateral? Explain. Is it legal to buy Bitcoin in India? What is its income tax liability? How does India repay the loa...