Apple TV+ has revealed the trailer for its upcoming kids and family series “Life By Ella” set to premiere on September 2, 2022. Created, and written by Jeff Hodsden and Tim Pollock, the new inspiration series revolves around the life of a thirteen years old, Ella, returning to school a...
Apple has shared the first official trailer for upcoming Apple TV+ series "Lisey's Story," which based on the 2006 Stephen King novel of the same name and slated for release in June. "Lisey's Story," stars Julianne Moore and Clive Owen, will debut on Friday, June 4. The fi...
The full 2023 season schedule for MLS is nowavailable online. Up until February 8, 2023, the published schedule features Fox TV coverage, then from February 25, it's all Apple. Included in the schedule are some matches that will be free for anyone to watch on Apple TV+. Apple says that...
So this is not an easy endeavour because the only output there is on the Apple TV 4K is HDMI. So I need either to invest in an expensive AV unit or go via a Toslink extractor. But then apparently I can’t control the volume via the Apple TV anymore. And when investing in an older..., Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the entertainment of our users only. The news articles, Tweets, and blog posts do not represent IMDb's opinions nor can we guarantee that the...
The integration with the Mac and the iPod is impressive (I haven't tried it with a PC). You can do things such as begin watching a movie on the TV, but finish viewing it later on a 5G (video enabled) iPod. If you leave the Apple TV active on your TV, the system will default ...
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Apple today formally introduced the Apple TV. The set-top unit, first previewed during the "It's Showtime" event in September 2006 is...
Apple today seeded the first beta of an upcoming update to tvOS, the new operating system that runs on the fourth-generation Apple TV. Today's tvOS beta marks the first software update to tvOS 9.0, a final version of which was released alongside the new Apple TV. ...
Apple TV (4th generation): What is it good for? The App Store might have opened it up to a wide variety of uses, but the Apple TV will always be, first and foremost, a media streamer. Games and weather forecasters and online storefronts might fill the gaps in our...