双重认证是大多数 Apple 账户的默认安全方法。某些 Apple 服务和功能(例如 Apple Pay 和“通过 Apple 登录”)要求使用双重认证。我们建议你使用双重认证,并通过设备密码(或在 Mac 上使用登录密码)和面容 ID、触控 ID 或视控 ID(如果你的设备支持的话)来保护你的设备。
需要启动苹果ID双重认证。双重认证可为Apple ID 提供第二重安全保护,是保障信息安全的理想方式。它旨在确保即使有人知道你的密码,也无法访问你的账户。任何 iCloud 和 iTunes 用户只要至少拥有一台装有最新版 iOS 或 macOS 的设备,都可以使用双重认证。当从新设备或网页登录时,信任的设备会自动收到...
Hi I have bought a new phone and I am trying to login to my apple id but somehow not able to receive any verification code but when I try it's showing too many codes have been sent. I haven't received a single code in past two days. How can I resolve this please assist [Re-Ti...
Get Apple ID Verification Code via Apple Support? Bonus Tip. How to Unlock Apple ID without Phone Number? Why Can’t I Receive Apple ID Verification Code on My Phone? Verification code for Apple ID is nothing but a feature of a two-factor authentication setting. Itverifies your phone number...
While it boosts security, it can also be tricky. If you can't access your trusted devices or forget your code, the verification process can stall.Part 2: How Do I Fix Apple ID Verification Failed 1. Ultimate Fix for Verification Failed Apple ID [One-Stop Solution]HOT Struggling with the...
出现“an Apple ID verification code is requiredtosignin”,是您的手机需要进行两步式验证。什么是 Apple ID 两步验证?两步验证是针对 Apple ID 的一项安全保护机制,旨在防止他人访问或使用您的帐户,即便对方知道您的密码也不行。它需要您使用某一设备或其他认可的方法验证您的身份,然后您才能...
Q2: How do I get my Apple ID verification code without my phone? To get your Apple ID verification code without your phone, consider these options: Trusted Devices: If you've trusted other Apple devices, you can receive codes on them. The codes will appear on those devices, such as in...
when I receive the Apple ID verification in my phone, I CANT PUT IN MY MAC BECAUSE DONT SHOW ME WHERE TO PUT THE CODE. where can I put this f code ? Is waste time apple is normal that in the market go down, is waste time bought apple [Edited by Moderator] ...
解决iPad登陆不了Apple ID验证失败的问题,An Apple ID verification code is required to sign in. Type your ...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。