api·in ˈāpēə̇n, ˈap- plural-s :a crystalline glycoside C26H28O14obtained from parsley Word History Etymology International Scientific Vocabularyapi-(from Latinapiumparsley, celery) +-in The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language withMerriam-...
authorization data instance// to the first account that the current authenticated user can access.SetAuthorizationDataAsync(authentication).Wait();// You can extend the console app with the examples library at:// https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-dotNet-SDK/tree/main/examples/BingAdsExamp...
It's also possible to pass an IpQualityScore, ipinfo.io and/or Cloudflare API token (both client and server runs) by setting, respectively, the IQS_TOKEN, IPINFO_TOKEN and CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN environment variables (examples below) in the container. Usage examples: Start server: docker run -it...
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"]; // Count all documents that match the query. // The default query is @{} which will // count every document in the collection. JSONStoreQueryPart *queryPart = [[JSONStoreQueryPart alloc] init]; [...
With this syntax "{wild|card|test}" will be randomly replaced by either "wild", "card" or "test" by the frontend every time you queue the prompt. To use {} characters in your actual prompt escape them like: \{ or \}.Dynamic prompts also support C-style comments, like // comment ...
API express() 创建一个Express应用程序。该express()函数是express模块导出的顶级函数。 代码语言:javascript 复制 var express = require('express'); var app = express(); 方法 express.json(options) 该中间件在Express v4.16.0及之后版本中提供。 这是Express中内置的中间件功能。它使用JSON有效负载分析传入...
The UGC Post URNs should be passed in List format and should be encoded as shown in the examples below. Note that the , in the List separating each URN does not need to be encoded.Note Make sure to add header X-RestLi-Method with value of BATCH_GET in the request....
apijson-examples APIJSON 的前端、业务后端、管理后端 Demo apijson-ruoyi APIJSON 和 RuoYi 框架整合,实现零代码生成页面模板接口,在线维护 APIJSON 数据库配置等 light4j 整合APIJSON 和微服务框架 light-4j 的 Demo,同时接入了 Redis SpringServer1.2-APIJSON 智慧党建服务器端,提供 上传 和 下载 文件的接口 ...
See the following examples: Copy{ "ok": true, "stuff": "This is good" } Copy{ "ok": false, "error": "something_bad" } Copy{ "ok": true, "warning": "something_problematic", "stuff": "Your requested information" } Other properties are defined in the documentation for each ...
Full and actual examples can be found on GutHub as part of theoneMKL examples, as well as theoneMKL Data Parallel C++ Developer Reference. Interfaces Let’s consider interfaces. Note: Current interfaces are experimental and can be changed in future based on feedback from users. ...