Apex LegendsTwitch stats over the past 7 days Average viewers rank: 13th( 1) Peak viewers rank: 17th( 16) Average channels rank: 11th( 1) Peak channels rank: 10th( 3) Currently showing stats for all languages (filter by language)
Current Newcastle's players average rank is Gold 1, average level of 664 The data is computed from the players in our database (27772508 players) and may not be fully accurate. This is not official data. See other legends Cosmetics usage statistics for Newcastle Always wanted to know what'...
Add yourself to the apex legends leaderboard by searching your ORIGIN name! Add FREE commands to your stream:HERE –>DISCORD NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE <–:HERE Leaderboard RankDisplay NameRank Score #1TL Rogue 27843 5429 #2Deedsss 27600 4832 ...
Average players age of current team is 0 How do esports teams make money? We calculate the prize pool by summary of winnings. What is theGeared Gaming's rank in the global popularity ranking? Geared Gamingis 1297 rank in Global ranking by All-time Peak Viewers. ...
Don’t worry if you’re stuck in Gold though because, according to Respawn and EA, that’s the average rank most players achieved in previous seasons. According to Apex Legends Status, this is the current rank distribution during Season 19: Rank Distribution Rookie IV 10% Rookie III 10.2...
Screenshot via Apex Legends Status RankPercentageRankPercentageRankPercentage Rookie IV 6.8 percent Silver IV 2.7 percent Platinum IV 10.6 percent Rookie III 1.2 percent Silver III 3.7 percent Platinum III 8.7 percent Rookie II 1.1 percent Silver II 3.4 percent Platinum II 6.7 percent Rookie I 1.0 ...
1st - Apex Legends Preseason Invitational What is the average age of theWyvern's players? Average players age of current team is 0 How do esports teams make money? We calculate the prize pool by summary of winnings. What is theWyvern's rank in the global popularity ranking?
由于突发黑客事件,ALGS 官方紧急叫停了比赛,之后 Hal 想打打天梯 Rank ,却发现自己的账号已经被封了。 今天,ALGS 官方正式宣布推迟北美总决赛,并且之前的场次也会重赛。 而负责《 Apex 》反作弊系统的 EAC ( Easy Anti-Cheat )官方也否认有这样的漏洞,可以让黑客把作弊程序植入主播电脑。
Average BR rank 0 RPT5 Patrons are able to gift match history to all their clubs members. Woop Woop!Tip: click/tap on a player's name to see their statistics. LevelBR rankActivity MafLuca 13 0 RPjoined 1066 days agolast updated 126 days ago whitebrookers 29 0 RPjoined 1064 days ago...
Top 3 tournaments with Tripods Apex Legends team: 1st - ALGS: 2022 Split 1 Pro League North America 2nd - ALGS: 2023 Split 2 Pro League - North America 3rd - ALGS: 2024 Split 2 Pro League - North America What is the average age of the Tripods's players? Average players age...