终于拿下Falcons结束了比赛, 玩机器:阿杜,我觉得他刚才应该还能再站出来一点~ 04:42 n0rb3r7联手电子哥完成2v4反杀翻盘后大喊:"苏卡不列***",电子哥就在旁边静静享受,“期待组一辈子CS战队” 02:19 玩机器建议:打dota2职业,搞valorant直播,选抖海做下沉 弹幕:选瓦应聘官方解说,下沉C+炸鱼🤣 06:11 殒命...
In order to excel in season 20, we are listing down the best perk combos for each Legend in Apex Legends Every Legend is getting an upgrade to their abilities in Season 20. Each Legend can choose between two perks when they level up in a game. A Legend levels up thrice per game. The...
Now that there are three unique maps in play depending on specific rotations, how well a legend can adapt to each map makes a big difference in their overall effectiveness. Tier Legends S Tier Bloodhound, Conduit, Horizon, Revenant A Tier Bangalore, Caustic, Gibraltar, Mad Maggie, Pathfinder,...
移动设计选择:Lightspeed 出色地将 Apex Legend 移植到了移动平台。比起技能上限,开发者更倾向于进度和“高质体验”,这种做法是正确的。此外,在 FPP 之外添加 TPP(这在 PC 游戏版本中并不存在)显然是为了帮助移动玩家更无缝地从其他移动吃鸡游戏转向 Apex Legend 移动版。最后,为了支持低端设备而进行的优化也做得...
Road to Legend Carnival - Douyu Cup Apex , DouyuTV SWQ SaWeiQi E-sport 11th - 10.06.23 - 18.06.23 Apac South Hub: Pro League Cash Cup - Week #7 Apac South Hub: Pro League Cash Cup - Week #7 Apex , Apac South Hub SWQ SaWeiQi E-sport 7th - 16.06.23 Douyu ...
Vítězte stylově ve hře Apex Legends, bezplatné* střílečce s hrdiny, ve které se legendární postavy s úžasnými schopnostmi spojují do týmů a bojují o slávu a bohatství na samotné hranici osídleného světa. Ovládněte neustále se rozšiřující ...
DreamFire (Apex)Top 5 tournaments by Total Prize Pool ALGS: 2022 Championship $2 000 000 07.07.22 - 11.07.22 ALGS: 2023 Championship $2 000 000 06.09.23 - 10.09.23 ALGS: 2023 Split 1 Playoffs $1 000 000 02.02.23 - 05.02.23 ...
Max-Strafe has been denied travel due to Martial Law and will miss the opportunity to compete in the first LAN event of the 2023 ALGS.
如果valorant参考现代fps的模式,即apex/cod/r6/bf这种模式,我觉得新玩家的接受度肯定会更高,如果使用cod16的ttk、子弹抖动、下坠,apex的身法,r6的后座力,再抄cs的腰 415383 apex英雄吧 GK神皇 哨兵这个新配件会不会会cod里的标记弹一样,充能后命中敌人会使敌人在队友和自己的小地图上显示几秒,或者像猎犬扫描...
二、瞄准镜适用枪械 单倍幻影瞄准镜是一个非常典型的 +1 分享回复1 apex英雄吧 cxrzx2016 apex 5月13日更新内容CONDITIONAL LEGEND CHATTER【英雄变更】 在某些配对下,当带有正常对话提示时,图例将以不同的方式彼此对话。Loba如何感谢Revenant的复兴?她肯定不会说“谢谢”。 如果您有兴趣听每个人怎么说,可以进行...