发表在《LGBT年轻人》(Journal of LGBT Youth)杂志上的一篇研究(2019)进一步为我们揭露出了更残酷的事实:在以来自中国29个省市的732名LGBTQ学生为样本的调查中,研究者们发现,绝大多数中国学校都不是对LGBT学生友善和包容的,大约有85%的学生曾被抑郁所困扰,更有40%的学生曾有过自杀的想法(Wei & Liu, 2019)。
2022年,美国心理学会(American Psychology Association, APA)修订了《APA与LGB群体进行心理工作指南》(Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients)。2015年发布了《APA与跨性别群体进行心理工作指南》(Guideline...
Dangers of social media abound, as do benefits, for teen users. In its first-ever guidelines, the APA offers recommendations for keeping adolescents safe online.
APA recommends using LGBTQ+, sexual and gender minorities, or other abbreviations when referring to multiple groups. APA advises against using "homosexual" or "homosexuality" to avoid negative stereotyping. Socioeconomic Status: Socioeconomic status (SES) includes not just income information, but also...
Seattle has space for everyone, supporting BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women-owned businesses, and ensuring accessibility for all abilities. 健康與安全 Coast Seattle Downtown Hotel by APA的做法是根據公共政府實體或私營組織的衛生服務建議制定的嗎? 如果是,請列出使用了哪些組織的建議來...
Ethics are a standard of moral guidelines with which to practice ethically to ensure the welfare of the individuals who are patients or participants in psychological services and research. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is d. Honesty. The ethical ...
2022年,美国心理学会(American Psychology Association, APA)修订了《APA与LGB群体进行心理工作指南》(Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients),2015年也曾发布《APA与跨性别群体进行心理工作指南》(Guidelines for Ps...
自1975年以来,美国心理学协会呼吁心理学家带头消除对于LGBTQ+人群的污名化。1990年5月17日,世界卫生组织(WHO) 将“同性恋”从精神病名册中除名。 今年2月,美国心理学会通过了一项政策声明,公开支持为青少年和成年人提供以证据为基础的、性别肯定的关爱,反对阻碍性少数人群获得支持的政策和立法,并反对散布虚假信息,反...