主动脉夹层(Aortic Dissection,简称AD)是一种严重的心血管急症,以下是对其的详细解释: 主动脉夹层是指主动脉壁内膜损伤后,血液通过内膜的破口进入主动脉壁中膜,在两层膜之间形成血肿,也称为主动脉内膜分离。这种情况通常伴随着剧烈的胸痛和其他严重症状,对患者的生命构成威胁。 一、发...
CT3D visualisationvirtual intravascular endoscopyAortic dissection is a common vascular disease which has high morbidity and mortality if it presents with acute onset. Early diagnosis, characterisation of the type of dissection and identification of intimal tear (entry site) is important for patient ...
主动脉夹层(aortic dissection)指主动脉腔内的血液通过内膜的破口进入主动脉壁中层而形成的血肿,并非主动脉壁的扩张,有别于主动脉瘤,过去此种情况被称为主动脉夹层动脉瘤(aortic dissecting aneurysm),现多改称为主动脉夹层血肿(aortic dissecting hematoma),或主动脉夹层分离,简称主动脉夹层。 【病因学】 病因至今未...
1、主动脉夹层(Aortic Dissection, AD),-分型及影像诊断,从戴高乐将军说起,概念,Aortic Dissection,AD 即主动脉夹层。主动脉内膜局部撕裂,受到强有力的血液冲击,内膜逐步剥离、扩展,在动脉内形成真、假两腔。从而导致一系列临床症状,如胸背部撕裂样疼痛等。,与主动脉瘤鉴别,Aortic aneurysm:主动脉壁中层受损,弹力...
Aortic Dissection Abstract A 68-year-old lady spontaneously and suddenly developed severe retrosternal pain during her holiday in Turkey. Without knowing the diagnosis, she flew home 2 days later. Computed tomography (CT) scans taken immediately after arrival revealed an aortic dissection type ...
主动脉夹层(aortic dissection)指主动脉腔内的血液通过内膜的破口进入主动脉壁中层而形成的血肿,并非主动脉壁的扩张, … www.wiki8.com|基于584个网页 2. 主动脉剥离 又称主动脉剥离(aortic dissection)。因主动脉的管壁中层发生剥离,使得血液不断涌入管壁中因剥离所造成的空隙内所形成。
(AorticDissection,AD) --分型及影像诊断 AorticDissection,AD 即主动脉夹层。主动脉 内膜局部撕裂,受到强有力 的血液冲击,内膜逐步剥离、 扩展,在动脉内形成真、假 两腔。从而导致一系列临床 症状,如胸背部撕裂样疼痛 等。 Aorticaneurysm:主动脉壁中层受损, ...
Traumatic Forms of Aortic Dissection Traumatic Aortic Injury Although the majority of traumaticaortic injuriesare diagnosed by CT, the advantages of TEE for diagnosing traumaticaortic injuryare multiple: it is portable; can be performed at the bedside or in the operating room; can provide an immediat...
多层螺旋CT血管成像及后处理技术在主动脉夹层的应用价值 3. Endovascular repair for Stanford type B aortic dissection; 腔内修复术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层 更多例句>> 4) Aortic dissecting aneurysm 主动脉夹层瘤 1. Nursing of membrane-coated stent implantation of aortic dissecting aneurysm; 主动脉夹...
Multidetector CT of Aortic Dissection: A Pictorial Review1 Aortic dissection is the most common acute emergency condition of the aorta and often has a fatal outcome. Outcome is determined by the type and extent of ... MA Mcmahon,CA Squirrell - 《Radiographics A Review Publication of the ...