"With such an omen, it is even more necessary than usual that I should be there before the Chancellor comes in," said she, "for he might mention my case the first thing. View in context And so the journey began with the good omens of sunshine, smiles, and cheerful words. View in ...
Synonyms for omega nounthe ending of a series or sequence Synonyms Z Related Words conclusion ending finish nounthe last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet Related Words Greek alphabet alphabetic character letter of the alphabet letter Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-...
Find 17 different ways to say OMEN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.
What is an antonym for spectrum? What is an antonym of juxtaposition? What are antonyms for discreet? What is an antonym of omen? What is an antonym of deluge? What is an antonym of somber? What is an antonym of optimism? What is an antonym of principle?
omen portend presage presume prognosticate prophesy read suppose surmise telegraph vaticinate Weak matches be afraid call it crystal-ball divine forespeak have a hunch hazard a guess make book psych out see coming see handwriting on wall size up soothsay verb as in ratiocinateCompare Synonyms Syn...
Synonyms for omnipotent Collins WordNet adjalmighty Synonyms almighty supreme invincible all-powerful Antonyms weak vulnerable inferior incapable powerless frail feeble impotent Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
Synonyms for practised Collins WordNet adjskilled Synonyms skilled trained experienced seasoned able expert qualified accomplished versed proficient Antonyms bungling inexperienced incompetent unskilled unqualified untrained amateurish inexpert Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd...
omen portent precursor premonition presage presentiment prognostic token vestige whistle wink Weak matches handwriting on the wall high sign nounas indocument with information; symbol Compare Synonyms Synonyms Strongest matches emblem logo notice placard ...
put down for put finger on symbol tab Discover More Example Sentences And just as words and their meaning can impose a certain reality, the opposite also can be true: A word’s connotations can evolve alongside the things it denotes.
Synonyms for practicable Collins Roget's WordNet adjfeasible Synonyms feasible possible viable workable achievable attainable doable within the realm of possibility performable Antonyms impossible out of the question unworkable unattainable unachievable