antivirussoftware 防病毒软件 牛津词典 These pillars are firewalls, VPNs,antivirussoftware, and intrusion detection systems ( IDS ). 防护方法包括四个方面:防火墙 、 VPN 、 反病毒软件, 以及入侵检测系统 ( IDS ). 期刊摘选 The FortiGateantivirussystem operates in one of two modes, depending on the...
The meaning of ANTIVIRUS is used to protect a computer from viruses : antiviral. How to use antivirus in a sentence.
Most antivirus software programs download updates automatically when you are online. This helps ensure that your protection is always up to date. We recommend that you enable real-time scanning to make sure that there are no lapses in your protection. In addition, you can schedule system scans...
Antivirus Products All-In-One Protection McAfee+ Individual Plans Complete privacy, identity and device protection for individuals. McAfee+ Family Plans Complete privacy, identity and device protection for up to 6 family members. McAfee Total Protection Plans...
Baidu Antivirus是由百度公司出品的一款永久免费的云安全杀毒软件。使用百度自主研发的Baidu Antivrus Engine和BaiduCloud Security Engine,结合知名小红伞引擎,三种引擎强强联手,全面保护您的电脑。同时,Baidu Antivirus具有界面轻巧、扫描快、杀毒快、百度杀毒中文语言包页面查杀率高、占用资源少等特点,并且可以兼容...
Antivirus is a security mechanism that identifies and handles virus-infected files through the detection of virus signatures.
你知道AntiVirus是什么吗? 杀毒软件(Antivirus 或 Antivirus software)使用于侦测、移除电脑病毒、电脑蠕虫、和特洛伊木马。杀毒软件通常集成监控识别、病毒扫描和清除和自动升级等功能,有的杀毒软件还带有数据恢复等功能,是计算机防御系统(包含杀毒软件,防火墙,特洛伊木马和其他恶意软件的查杀程序,入侵预防系统等)的重要组...
CA Antivirus 是一种主要为中小型企业及 SOHO 用户提供解决方案的反病毒软件。该产品支持的操作系统包括 Windows 98、Windows ME、Windows NT 以及 Windows 2000 Professional 等。除此以外,CA 公司还提供包括 CA Antivirus 在内的反病毒解决方案组件"eTrust EZ Armor"。新版本采用全新用户界面,更加易于使用;新的...