Spiter Information & General Help Basic:"理论支持服务器版本: 1.8-1.20""理论支持客户端版本: 1.7.10-1.20"Permission:"spiter.command" - 允许玩家使用spiter命令"spiter.alerts" - 如权限"spiter.verbose" - 如权限"spiter.bypass" - 绕过权限,config可以取消不兼容和兼容问题:Another anticheat ( 任何通过反...
The free anti-cheat since 2016 minecraftbukkitspigotspigot-pluginbukkit-pluginanticheatminecraft-pluginacranti-cheatanticheatreloadedminecraft-anti-cheatanti-hackminecraft-cheatminecraft-anticheat UpdatedJan 13, 2025 Java smell-of-curry/rubedo Star70 ...
GrimAC is an open source Minecraft anticheat designed for 1.21 and supports 1.8-1.21. It is free while in beta. It will eventually become paid and/or will include offering additional subscription based paid checks. Geyser players are fully exempt. ...
History 527 Commits .github/workflows .vscode entities functions scripts .gitignore CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE README.md eslint.config.js manifest.json pack_icon.png package.json tsconfig.json TN-AntiCheat MinecraftBE用のチート対策/ワールド管理アドオンです。
Minecraft 1.8.9 forge hacked client forked from LiquidBounce - FDPClient/docs/MinecraftAnticheatBeLike.md at bf90819d66f6891dfe1a5cc76ce43153867331d2 · SkidderMC/FDPClient
Updated-NoCheatPlus is a continuation of the famous anti-cheat plugin NoCheatPlus, introduced by NeatMonster and Asofold building on the code base of NoCheat, created by Evenprime. NoCheatPlus attempts to enforce "vanilla Minecraft" mechanics, as well as preventing players from abusing weaknesses...
It can be used in conjunction with other anti-cheat plugins, enhancing hack detection on your server with additional checks.FEATURESSupport for most versions: FoxAddition aims to be designed to support Spigot servers (and forks) from older versions like 1.7.2 to the latest versions of Minecraft...
most importantly, the game did run for a few hours last night, and nothing has changed since then. I don't have any special software running or whatever this anti cheat is looking for. Please advise what the next course of action is. ...
Cookie Anticheat不再会默认自带Vulcan,想要更好的检测需自己购买Matrix付费账号和Vulcan 我在这里建议是,有需求的可以将Kick指令批量改成Ban。 这次更新我修复了大量误判,更新日志如下: 重要更新: 修复以下视频所展示的误判 经过大量人员测试后我们修复了 Vulcan: ...