The arrival of the black American troops caused disquiet in both the US and UK governments ostensibly because of the fear of racial mixing and miscegenation. Sir Percy James Grigg, the Secretary of State for War, advised in a circular that he intended to be sent to all senior officers in t...
Our race does not need the failed band aid of “separate but equal” segregation, or apartheid, where Whites share the same living space in close proximity to non-Whites. How has the half measure of racial segregation worked previously? Disastrously, that’s how. 100% SEPARATION without the...
Rather, it is the evolutionary outcome of the selfish pursuit of material wealth via whatever method can be gotten away with, let loose in societies with a pre-existing disproportionate advantage for some that changes the psychological makeup of the rest in ways that lead to unsustainable exploita...
My earliest recollection of any type of racism—evidence of an attitude of superiority of one race over another—in my extended family is the use among my many Italian American aunts and uncles of the Italian word for eggplant (moulinyan) to refer to African Americans. As a boy, I could ...
Years ago, that word (“felon”) was fraught with stigma, a stigma that stuck for a lifetime, but it mostly stuck to Black and Brown people,notthe rare Great White Defendant. More than 20 years ago, people impacted by the criminal legal system pushed back on the various stigmatizing te...
None of the authorities said a word to me. Not. One. Single. Word. In Denver, while I was in line waiting to check my bag, one girl did snap at me saying, “I’m going to have to ask you to wear a mask.” I replied, “I’m going to have to ask you to stop listening to...
Fill in the blank(s) with the correct word. [{Blank}] is an unjustified, negative attitude toward a group of people. Is group polarization a form of pluralistic ignorance? Indicate whether the statement is true or false. \\ Both expl...
In this walk, Richards and Curl also included a number of wine bars (or as they had it, places that were “not a pub in the true sense of the word, but included as a drinking establishment”), which they chose to letter from A to F, rather than number like pubs. All but one of...
This society stood for There were also designs called flying wheels and craft The restrictions contained in Section 1 of this racial segregation with the Arian White race as with inflatable airbags for landing cushions. They had Chapter do not prohibit the renewal, recasting, masters of all. It...
In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple becamethe new cool kid on the block for ...