Another Code: Recollection - 如何解锁墓地木门 Another Code: Recollection 是 Nintendo 经典游戏 Another Code: Two Memories 和 Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories 的重制版。玩家可以从 Two Memories 开始享受这两款游戏,游戏中主角艾什莉被带到一个神秘的岛屿,寻找她久未谋面的父亲。作为Ashley...
Another Code: Recollection – 如何打开管家保险箱 在《Another Code: Recollection》中,玩家们将以前所未有的方式体验《Another Code: Two Memories》和《Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories》,而拼图游戏可在Switch上玩。该项目始于《Two Memories》,玩家们将扮演年轻女孩艾什莉,在游戏中尝试解谜...
Of the 143971 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the video game Another Code: Two Memories.
SHADOWS & DUST | Another Code: Two Memories / Trace Memory #7 (TDL) PARENTAGE | Another Code: Two Memories / Trace Memory #8 (TDL) TRUTH IN MEMORY | Another Code: Two Memories / Trace Memory #9 (TDL) CONVENIENCE | Another Code: Two Memories / Trace Memory #10 (TDL) GUNPO...
作词(Lyric):Era Faye Sarcon 中文翻译(Chinese Translator):moutrk Looking at myself in the water flowing by the lake, those sounds are telling me all the painful memories. 从湖边的流水里 看清自己的脸庞 流水的声音 好似同我痛苦的回忆一起流淌 ...
Sleuth your way to the truth in two fully enhanced mystery adventures with Another Code™: Recollection Travel to the remote Blood Edward Island as Ashley, a 13 year old girl in search of her father in Another Code™: Two Memories. Ashley receives a letter from her father who she beli...
《Another Code 两种记忆》汉化 基本说明 本项目是对《Another Code 两种记忆》(アナザーコード 2つの記憶,异色代码 双重记忆)的简体中文的本地化。 本汉化对游戏中图片的文本进行了翻译,并且对游戏中存在的所有文本均重新翻译校对。 人名等专有名词的译名参照了《Another Code 回忆录:两种记忆/记忆之门》官方中...
Of the 144146 characters on Anime Characters Database, 11 are from the video game Another Code: Recollection.
异色代码:两种记忆Another Code: Two Memories Arc System Works 2024-01-19 - . -- . - 0想玩0在玩0玩过0已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 开发/发行 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - 幼年时失去双亲的 13 岁少女“艾希莉”收到了一封信,而这封信的寄件人竟是已然逝世的父亲“理查”。
Sleuth your way to the truth in two fully enhanced mystery adventures with Another Code™: Recollection Travel to the remote Blood Edward Island as Ashley, a 13 year old girl in search of her father in Another Code™: Two Memories. Ashley receives a letter from her father who she believ...