Laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy is the gold standard treatment for external rectal prolapse and an excellent treatment for symptomatic internal rectal prolapse. However, there is a recurrence rate for this procedure, part of which can be attributed to the untreated posterior rectal prolapse componen...
影响因子: 0.500 出版商: IEEE ISSN: 1058-6180 浏览: 6531 关注: 0征稿 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing publishes work covering the broad history of computer technology, including technical, economic, political, social, cultural, institutional, and material aspects of computing. Featuring ...
ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect AnnalsofTourismResearch journalhomepage:.elsevier/locate/annals Researcharticle Areviewofresearchintoautomationintourism:Launchingthe AnnalsofTourismResearchCuratedCollectiononArtificial IntelligenceandRoboticsinTourism IisTussyadiah SchoolofHospitalityandTourismManagement,UniversityofSu...