浙大二院皮肤科主治医生戴茹和副主任医师陈积愫作为第一作者和通讯作者在Annals of Clinical Case Reports上发表题目“Alopecia in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis”的临床病例照片[1]。 一名55 岁的女性因“双手疼痛 10 年,加重2月”到皮肤...
Annals of Laboratory Medicine (http://www.annlabmed.org) is published by Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine (http://www.kslm.org/eng/). This journal publishes Original Articles, Case Reports, Brief Communications, Letters to the Editor, Review, Editorials, Corrections, and Correspondence abou...
Annals of Transplantation在线问答:© http://www.scizj.com/sci/21568.html SCI之家介绍 SCI之家专业从事SCI期刊、SSCI期刊、EI源刊、SCOPUS期刊、论文咨询服务。SCI之家有来自美国、新加坡、马来西亚的专业英文母语化编审指导团队为您提供专业的英文论文母语润色服务。专注国际学术咨询服务,我们是认真的! 投稿咨询...
professionals. It continues to be the leading peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of safe, effective, and economical use of medications in patient care. Article categories include: Original Research, Comprehensive Reviews, Case Reports, Editorials, Visual Observations, International Reports....
《无创心电年鉴》(Annals of Non-vasive Electrogical,简称ANE)是一个不断发展的分支学科中的第一本杂志,它综合了传统和新的心电图技术在心脏病患者诊断和治疗中的临床应用和技术的不断进步。该出版物包括与12导联、运动和高分辨率心电图、心律失常、缺血、复极现象、心率变异性、昼夜节律、生物工程技术、信号平均...
as well as several years of archived contentColumns including Healthy Baby/Healthy Child and Case ChallengesPediatric Annals is a recognized journal indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed; CINAHL; SCOPUS; EMBase; ProQuest; Current Contents/Clinical Medicine; Science Citation Index; and Journal Citation Reports, Scie...
浙大二院皮肤科主治医生戴茹和副主任医师陈积愫作为第一作者和通讯作者在Annals of Clinical Case Reports上发表题目“Alopecia in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis”的临床病例照片[1]。 一名55 岁的女性因“双手疼痛 10 年,加重2月”到皮肤科就诊。查体可见雷诺现象,手、前臂和面部皮肤发硬及指尖溃疡,在头皮上...