doi:10.1002/best.200300450No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Beton‐ Und Stahlbetonbau
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So wichen die Ergebnisse des Monitors f眉r Gesamt-Stickstoff von den im Labor ermittelten Resultaten bei 76% aller Meßwerte um weniger als 20% in einem Meßbereich von 4,0-49,0 mg/l N_(ges) ab. Bei der Bestimmung von Gesamt-Phosphor im Meßbereich 0,5-10,0 mg/l P_(...
The WWE-bionorm~(~R) method was used over a period of more than eight months at the Bad Koenig wastewater treatment plant to reduce surplus sludge production. The method is based on the addition of a surface-active substance as well as targeted metabolism stimulation by food additives and ...
Sundararajan T, Kamachi Mudali U, Nair K G M, Rajeswari S, Subbaiyan M 1999b In vitro corrosion evaluation of nitrogen ion implanted titanium in simulated body fluid. Werkstoffe Korros. 50: 344–349 View ArticleT. Sundararajan, U.K. Mudali, K.G.M. Nair, S. Rajeswari, M. Subbai...
The apparatus consists of a mobile chassis and a starch settling tables-plant with collimating equipment which guarantees fast readiness for operation and precise adjustment of the incline of the settling tables and thus high reproducibility of test results....
portable\nkleinkl & auml; ranlage\nfor the treatment of black and \\/ or grey water, h & auml; uslichem\nwastewater and h & auml; uslichem\nwaste water in its composition and auml; hnlichem wastewater, on the ground floor\naufstellbar and m & t.; r\nthe direct erdeinbau ...
doi:10.1002/nadc.19630110304No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
The cleaned flue gas is reheated in two heat exchangers and is discharged from a suction blower through a 100 m high chimney into the atmosphere. Around the chimney several measuring instruments are installed to check and continuously record the type and amount of emission. The scrubber water ...