Andwarm日本进口防晒霜美白滋润养肤面部防水防汗儿童男女士防嗮隔离霜 【清透不搓泥】防晒霜50ml - 可爱的广告君于20230509发布在抖音,已经收获了248.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
remember to wear warm gloves and shoes.Fun in the sun Suns reen(防晒霜) may look funny in wintertime, but don't forget to put it ice reflects all the bright sunlight onto your face. That's why you need to use sun(润唇膏) even if it's cloudy outside.Sledge(雪 ) safety Going ...
Keep your ears dry and warm. Dry your ears with a towel after swimming or taking a bath.If you feel water in your ear,shake your head a little bit.(3) AAlso,when the sun is shining,wear some sunscreen(防晒霜)on your ears.During the winter,protect your ears wit...
Keep your ears dry and warm Dry our ears with a towel after swimming or taking a bath.If you feel water in your ear,shake your head a little a bit.Also,when the sun is shining,use some sunscreen(防晒霜) on your ears.During the winter,protect your ears with a ...