没办法,照着React Native的中文开发文档配置环境https://reactnative.cn/docs/0.51/getting-started.html#content,配置过程还算简单,以为很简单,其实还是我太单纯。照着文档创建项目,创建好后运行项目,坑出现了,这个坑我埋了半天的时间,真是太耽误时间了。遇到的其实别的博客上都有说,Cannot find entry file index....
编辑tools/build/src/tools/gcc.jam rule setup-threading ( targets * : sources * : properties * ) { local threading = [ feature.get-values threading : $(properties) ] ; if $(threading) = multi { local target = [ feature.get-values target-os : $(properties) ] ; local option ; local...
Description In android release, it will crash. The android log shows that libjscexecutor.so is not found. the detailed log : 2022-01-20 16:47:43.716 726-6084/? E/ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (1532, <unspecified>/0) 2022-01-2...
Solved: The script to set up the android file system (fsl-sdcard-partition.sh) includes the following: 1) dd partition-table.img to card dev
Details This happen when using latest url_launcher (6.1.11) with latest url_launcher_android (6.0.35) with AGP 8.x.x (8.0.2, in this case). Basically, the Android version of an app using this plugin isn't able to build by default due to ...
估计是 Android Studio 这里写错成了 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT。 Broken AVD system path 如果你按照 CSDN 上的那群小学生的建议将 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 设置成跟 ANDROID_HOME 一样的值,会收到报错: Emulator: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [D:\android_sdk]! 1....
Part 3: How to fix App not installed error onAndroid - 8 solutions! Part 1: Common reasons for the “Android App not installed” error You may ask: Why can't I download apps on my Android? Understanding the underlying causes of the "Android App Not Installed" error is crucial for reso...
先放上错误截图 在电脑上下了公司的一个项目,运行出现了这个问题,先是在网上搜索错误,试了我搜到的种种方法,比如 react-native 的版本问题,新的 react-nat...
自己在开发过程中碰到的一些错误 及 一些经验总结,主要针对一些刚开始步入开发行业的新人,大神可直接忽略此贴。给开发新人提供一些经验介绍! 从最简单的问题开始来说: 1.R文件缺失 找不到R文件 查看res中资源文件,图片,xml等。 1)比如图片文件名不能有大写不能有空格。2)xml中不能有错误 xml中有错误 记得不要...
searchParam.setSearchMemberNickName(true); searchParam.setSearchMemberRemark(true); searchParam.setSearchMemberNameCard(true); V2TIMManager.getGroupManager().searchGroupMembers(searchParam, new V2TIMValueCallback<HashMap<String, List<V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo>>>() { @Override public void onSucces...