at // any time. The example should keep working if that happens. // ignore: dead_code return; } void _logError(String code, String? message) { // ignore: avoid_print print('Error: $code${message == null ? '' : '\nError Message: $message'}'); } class _CameraExam...
it wasn't a bit mask). Eventually the power manager should be changed to be told about these changes to cached state instead of listening to every proc state change, but we'll do that later, it is more disruption than I want to take for now. However, while working...
"Unhosted" means just the opposite, that the hub isn't attached to a host computer, or that the host computer is turned off. This doesn't apply to stand-alone chargers that only plug in to a wall outlet. The "Estimated Charging Time" column is the minimum amount of time that the ...
I can implement it in in framework but to access or modify it, I can't seem to find any way to do that. Can you suggest me something? This is the commit. Of course, it isn't working. I tried tracing through logs though but couldn't. I wou...
// TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } publicclassGetImageFromUrlextendsAsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap> { @Override protectedBitmap doInBackground(String... urls) { Bitmap map =null; for(String url : urls) {
My wife’s teaching job...isn’t going away. But the people who’s small business is their entire livelihood? We need to worry about them, too. aren’t. A lot of these people risk being put out on the street when ...