Last Time是一款用来追踪和记录上一次事件的 Android 应用,比如上一次换牙刷、上一次换毛巾等等,但它还可以设置下一次,即未来的事件,并发出提醒,最终以时间线的方式呈现出来,甚至可以用来记录软件发布、里程碑,支持屏幕小部件,免费、无广告,堪称时间线管理神器。@Appinn 在发现了近期少有能让青小蛙眼前一亮的iPhone、...
[MPS] com.aliyun.emas.pocdemo D register agoo result 错误码:PUSH_00000, 错误:success 2024-07-03 10:34:48.631 14509-9749 MPS:AppRegister com.aliyun.emas.pocdemo I connState=2;estimatedTime=384;response{msg: success, code: PUSH_00000} 2024-07-03 10:34:48.631 14509-9749 MPS:App...
品牌Nokia 操作系统Android 11.0 安装的 RAM 内存大小512 GB CPU 型号A-Series CPU 速度1.9 GHz 内存存储容量128 GB 屏幕尺寸6.82 英寸 分辨率1560 x 720 刷新频率60 Hz 型号名称G50 查看更多 关于该商品 本设备仅适用于 GSM 运营商,包括但不限于:Boost、Metro、T-Mobile。 本产品不适用于 Verizon。 请与您...
Our Poppy Playtime download guide explains how to install the horror game on all mobile devices, consoles, and PC, best of luck out there.Kayleigh Partleton Published: 2 weeks ago Poppy Playtime Our Poppy Playtime download guide is perfect for those of you who are feeling brave enough ...
It's time to say goodbye to Google Assistant as Gemini takes over ByNandika Ravipublished3 days ago Bye, Google :(Google announced today Google Assistant will no longer be accessible on most mobile devices, in the coming months. Bye, Google :( ...
Before you report an issue, please check the Opera for Android section of theOpera Bug Bountyprogram’s scope one extra time. This section lists things that we consider out-of-scope, and by familiarizing yourself with this you can avoid reporting issues that are out-of-scope. ...
Last commit: 1 year ago 🌟 573 🍴 87 👁️ 12 Our-chat ganainy Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages,image sharing,file sharing using MVVM architecture,Firebase authentication firestore,storage,FCM,cloud functions and facebook login Tech Stack : Coroutines, ...
I’m going to show you two little but extremely useful things which are current time and 1 hour ago (or you can add this time to get the future) in the timestamp. As you can see it's very easy. First…
Time taken for the download and update: 40 minutes. First impression: no bug. Very smooth app operations. After effect: make you love your Nexus 7 even more! Should you install this version? No brainer. Any other things? Still trying to learn more about Marshmallow… ...
Fun fact -- Google even had an inside joke on XDA's Editor-in-Chief Mishaal Rahman chancing upon a leaked Android 12 build and discovering a lot more than Google had intended to reveal at that time. Android 12 Beta 1 Hands-on: A Radical Redesign comes to Android Material You Material...