Attorney Basic Merrick Garland asking him to inform courts that the Justice Department not supports those briefs in pending litigation. There may be good reason to be skeptical of a potential class motion swimsuit, since it’s all too frequent to see lawyers encourage them in a bid to get ...
It is primarily for this reason that disinformation is a growing challenge for all forms of social media and its users. The fine line between freedom of expression and political propaganda raises increasing concerns during international unrest and hybrid threats. States and businesses strive to ...
(e.g. tokens vs. types). Our findings generally confirm the increased aggregate formulaicity of translations as regards bundle tokens for all EU genres, except for judgments, and the increased variation of bundles (types) for all the genres at the 40 occurrences per million words (pmw) ...
justice 开始学习 sprawiedliwość let's 开始学习 niech able 开始学习 zdolny (do czegoś) mający umiejętność (robienia czegoś) about 开始学习 o (kimś, czymś); około, mniej więcej above 开始学习 nad, powyżej, u góry, wysoko accept 开始学习 ...
looks at the perpetual protest movement at the heart of the shi’a commemoration of muharram, one of the holiest months of the calendar, for its radical reconsideration of history and justice. inserting oneself, flesh and faith, into the events that transpired 13 centuries ago; the collapse of...
There, 500 years ago, for the first time in Poland, a woman was accused of being a witch and she was burned. Starting from then, women accused of witchcraft were burned at the stake all over Poland (but not as often in comparison with the other parts of Europe). However, the first ...