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The newborns were divided into two groups based on the clinical observations during the first hour of life, the blood pH and the base deficitdoi:10.1111/j.1439-0442.1989.tb00712.xM. PickelW. ZarembaProf. Dr. E. GrunertBlackwell Publishing LtdJournal of Veterinary Medicine...
Short Communications 375 Substituting (3.2) into the expressions (2.5) and (2.7) and using the fact that r12 =-ilz, rzl =-izl, ill = 1-rll, f Z 2 = 1-rZ2 we get =-2 r l 2 / { ~ T [B2 + 4rllr2111'2} (3.5) where for the moment A = (I 1-p2) and B = (rll-...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische WochenschriftSchmidt LG, Müller-Oerlinghausen B, Schlünder M, Seidel M, Platz WE (1987) Benzodiazepine und Barbiturate bei chronischen Alkoholikern und Opiatabhängigen - Eine epidemiologische Studie an stationär aufgenommenen Suchtkranken. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 112:...
Strategies of patients to avoid automobile accidents; Comparison of accident rates between patients younger than 40 years old and older patients; Considerations for narcoleptic patients before obtaining a driver's license.KotterbaSylviaMuumlllerNicoleSteinerGerhardMayerGeertEBSCO_AspSomnologie...
A modest correlation (r(s), approximately 0.66) between anti-PD IgG concentration and enzyme inhibition was detected; however, their kinetics were clearly different. These data suggest that measurement of antibody responses that inhibit PD's enzymatic activity could be a useful tool for assessing ...
nagilactonedeerantiherbivoryforest canopyNagilactones isolated fromPodocarpus nagi (Thunb.) Zoll. et Moritz. are known by their physiological activities as a plant growth inhibitor or antiherbivory substance. As the first step in clarifying the nagilactone dynamics in a forest canopy, the seasonal ...
Bernhard TribukaitActa Physiologica ScandinavicaTribukait, B. (1963) Über den initialen Anstieg der O2-Kapazität des Blutes der Ratte bei Hypoxie. Acta. Physiol. Scand. 57: pp. 90-98TRIBUKAIT, B. (1963): Über den initialen Anstieg der O 2 -Kapazität des Blutes der Ratte bei...
This article examines the susceptibility of different provenances of Pinus nigra to Scleroderris lagerbergii. Six year-old Pinus nigra plants, raised from seed from Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Turkey were in three successive years infected with conidia of S. lagerbergii. The ...
Preuß G, Willme U, Zullei-Seibert N. Verhalten ausgewahlter Arzneimittel bei der kunstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung-Eliminierung und Effekte auf die mikro- bielle Besiedlung. Acta Hydrochim Hydrobiol 2002;29(5):269-77.Preuβ G, Willme U, Zullei-Seibert N (2001) Verhalten ausgewöh...