Amundi PEA S&P 500 UCITS ETF advanced ETF charts by MarketWatch. View PSP5 exchange traded fund data and compare to other ETFs, stocks and exchanges.
52 semaines bas/haut 25,83 31,21 Négociez cet ETF auprès de votre courtier Choisissez votre courtier AcheterVendre Ouvrir un plan d’épargne Affichage NOUVEAUOuvrez un compte PEA dès maintenant et commencez à investir dans des ETF avec seulement 1 €.En savoir plus ...
Amundi PEA Inde (MSCI India) UCITS ETF advanced ETF charts by MarketWatch. View PINR exchange traded fund data and compare to other ETFs, stocks and exchanges.
Lyxor Pea Obligations D’état Euro Ucits Etf Acc历史数据,更多实时数据请通过搜索框搜索获取。9.718 +0.050 +0.49% 24/05 - 闭盘. EUR 货币 类型: 基金 市场: 法国 发行商: Lyxor International Asset Management S.A.S. ISIN: FR0013346681 资产类别: 债券 晨星评级: 总资产: 321.4M ...
Total AuM of fund €175M Decimalisation of shares No Investment strategy This ETF seeks to replicate as closely as possible the performance of the MSCI Europe Small Cap ESG Broad CTB Select Index Tax optimisation PEA France No UK Reporting Status United Kingdom YesSimilar...
PEA France Non UK Reporting Status Royaume-Uni OuiProfil de risque Segment utilisé pour le quartile World Blended Cap Profil historique de risque et de rendement 3m1A3A5A Performance +9,25 % -0,71 % +6,48 % +59,59 % Rendements annualisés +42,61 % -0,71 % +2,11 % ...
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Amundi MSCI AC Asia-Pacific ex Japan PEA UCITS ETF advanced ETF charts by MarketWatch. View PAEJ exchange traded fund data and compare to other ETFs, stocks and exchanges.