AMSR-E 和 AMSR-2 的微波辐射测量提供了总水柱水汽,而 MODIS 的近红外图像提供了云层上方的水汽。两者之间的差值给出了地表和云顶之间的水汽,可解释为边界层水汽。 第2 版是该数据集的当前版本。第 2 版采用了改进的方法来剔除高云。 该数据集可估算均匀云场下的海洋边界层水汽。AMSR-E 和 AMSR-2 的微波...
Hyangsun, "Evaluation of SSM/I and AMSR-E sea ice concentrations in the antarctic spring using KOMPSAT-1 EOC images," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1905-1912, 2008.H. Lee and H. Han, "Evaluation of SSM/I and AMSR-E sea ice concentrations...
Aqua Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Earth Observing System for EOS (AMSR-E) Antarctic sea ice concentrations under winter conditions in 2006 are assessed using ice concentration data derived from Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) radiances. The AMSR-E sea ice concentrations...
The long time series of passive microwave satellite data (SMMR, SSM/I and AMSR-E)have provided important information about the earth surface science and climate research in past three decades. Due to update of satellite-based radiometers and their platforms, some systematic parameters are different...
1、方式一 2、方式二 3、方式三 匿名登录,在/SAN/AMSA/ 这个文件夹下可以找到各种AMSR-E数据 ...
The AMSR-E microwave radiometer on Aqua provides a reliable means to monitor the variability of several key climate variables for a decade. Our objective is to extend the AMSR-E timeseries of climate variables to include more microwave radiometers, like the SSM/Is which begin in 1987, and th...
AMSR-E/AQUA月度L3全球雪水当量EASTER-GRIDS V002。 如果您从数据池 HTTPS 目录中订购数据,版本号会写在数据集简称的末尾:AE_MoSno.002。 产品代码 AMSR-E 数据文件名包含一个产品成熟度代码(如 B01、T02 或 V03),用于指示生成数据所使用的算法版本。产品成熟度代码包括成熟度级别(P、R、B、T 或 V)和两...
由于系数不再取决于 SSM/I 或 TMI,因此校准效果有所改善。数据也更接近实时。由于 89 GHz-A 馈源喇叭出现问题,AE_L2A 继续从 AMSR-E 89 GHz-B 馈源喇叭获取数据。 B02:时间覆盖范围:2004-11-04 (00:46) 至 2005-01-02 (00:27) 纠正AMSR-E 89 GHz A 号馈源喇叭的问题,仅从 89 GHz B 号馈源喇叭...
态化通过率和效果.结果表明,Box-cox转换方法是3种转换方法中最有效的.%With the application of statistical methods in satellite data simulation,it is often necessary to normalize the satellite data.The statistical properties of the three normal conversion methods which are applied to AMSR-E brightness ...