American History The Early Years To 1877, Chapter and Unit Tests Form A and B
early years of American history 美国历史早期 2021/6/29 2021/6/29 GeorgeWashington --thefirstpresidentoftheunitedstates •Introduction •Contribution 2021/6/29 Introduction •GeorgeWashington(February22,1732[O.S.February11,1731]–December14,1799)wasoneoftheFoundingFathersoftheUnitedStates,servingas...
The American Journey: Early Years immerses middle school students in the rich early history of their country. The program includes the finest scholarship and the most up-to-date maps from the world-renowned National Geographic. 中文内容介绍 ...
American History 美国历史 (Since 1900)AmericanHistory(Since1900)I.ProgressivismII.TheGreatDepressionandtheNewDealIII.TheVietnamWarIV.Reform,RadicalismandDisappointment1961—1973V.NewConservatism TheProgressiveMovement:amovementdemandinggovernmentregulationoftheeconomyandsocialconditions.Itwasnotanorganizedcampaignwith...
Learn about American history with the USA Timeline as well as information on America's best historic sites. is the place to research history homework with pages for the history student, parent of a history student, teacher, or he
内容提示: Introduction: The United States is a country of the western hemisphere, comprising fifty states and several territories. It is a “super” country in the world and has more than 200 years history, a quite short history than other ancient countries. Within the paper, we are going ...
1、American HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican HistoryI. America in the Colonial EraII. The American War of IndependenceIII. The American Civil WarIV. America in the 20th CenturyV. America in the 21st CenturyColonization of North America (1607-1776) Indians1The discovery of America2Early Colonial ...
Chapter15, American History (I) (1600-1900)Chapter15:AmericanHistory(I)(1600-1900)I.DiscoveryoftheNewWorld The“firstAmericans”weretheIndians.ChristopherColumbus,supportedbytheSpanishqueen,ledhismentosailacrossthevastoceanin1492andreachedsomesmallislandsinthenowWestIndies.AmerigoVespucci,provedthatthelandwasnot...
Chapter1History HistoryoftheUnitedStates IntroductiontoBritishandAmericanCulture LearningFocus ColumbusandtheNewWorld AmericanIndians TheMayflower TheWarofIndependence TheAmericanCivilWar IntroductiontoBritishandAmericanCulture Warm-up Thinkaboutthefollowingquestions. 1.WhoaretheoriginalAmericanpeople? ___ 2.Doyoukn...
2.The age of Realism If you study American literature, you’d better learn more about Realism.The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as the Age of Realism in the history ofUniteStates, which is actually a movement or tendency that dominated the spirit of American literatu...